"i know I have made others suffer as much as i have suffered"-jeffery Dahmer

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It took Benji a whole week before he finally conveyed his feelings to Victor. He told him how he was sorry he ruined his life. Victor assured him that he was okay and nothing in his life was ruined because of him. Benji accepted that answer and the two are now cuddling on Victor's bed.

Benji was about to fall asleep when his phone went off. He sighed softly, reaching over Victor to grab his phone

"What now, Lake?" He said sitting up "You need to grab whatever you can and get outside! We'll be there in 2 minutes" Lake exclaimed "what are you talking about?" He asked "you are about to be arrested for the murder of your fucking mom!" She yelled, which alerted Victor, making him sit up from where he was laying "what the fuck, Lake! What are you talking about?" Benji asked, "they issued a warrant for your arrest!" She said "please! This isn't a joke, grab your shit, and let's go we're outside." She hung up

Both boys looked at each other in shock before getting up. They shoved some clothes into a bag and ran out of the house to Andrew's car. "So much for us not getting caught, Benji." Lake said "you know what. Fuck you, Lake. It's pretty obvious we delayed being caught for months. Did you not expect to get caught eventually?" He rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat "plus, you're not the ones who got caught. I did" he said, "where are we gonna go on such short notice?" Victor asked "we're going to Alabama. We're going to stay in a house the masked guys from the dark web own" Andrew said "also, stop of the store so we can get things to disguise this idiot" Mia said


Mia walked into the store, immediately noticing the guy at the front counter eyeing her. She walked back to the makeup aisle and grabbed some, along with 2 boxes of hair dye, hairbrushes, and other necessities for everyone.

"Did you find everything okay?" The cashier asked and Mia nodded "yeah" he started scanning the items "I know you heard about the mass murder that happened a few months ago"  he said. Mia didn't say anything back, she just watched him scan the items "we all know Benji did it. That sick bastard" he said "W-what are you talking about?" She asked "you know he did it. You were at the masquerade that night, and so was Lake, Andrew, Felix, and Victor." He said scanning the last item and putting it in a bag

"Do you see this photo?" He showed her his phone "yes.." she replied, "that's you in the background, isn't it?" He asked zooming in on the photo. Again, Mia didn't respond. "My brother is the kid you were talking to, Erik hart. He was murdered in that building. And who was he murdered by 6 little bitches named Benji Campbell, Victor Salazar, Lake Meriwether, Felix Weston, Andrew Spencer, and Mia fucking Brooks. You killed those people. You killed all of those innocent people in that building that night. "N-no I didn't" she stuttered "my brother, Benji's mom, Ashton, Jordan, Ross. They all died in the hands of the five monsters outside and the one in front of me." Mia let out a breath and composed herself "We didn't do this" she said

"So how come you're the only bitches alive from the incident." He asked "you have no proof that we were there. You can't even see the face of the person in the photo "I know that hair from anywhere. That curly black hair, the almond shade skin. It's you Mia." He claimed "let me pay for my shit and leave"'she said slamming the money down "we didn't kill that bastard or anyone else," she said, lying right through her teeth. The cashier knew she was lying, he knew in his heart these are the people who murdered his little brother.

He took the money And put it into the register before handing her the bags "I hope you and your friends rot in prison and go to hell for what you did" he said, rage laced in his voice "and I'll gladly see your brother there." She smirked before walking out of the shop and to the car

"Do not look out the window, guys. Lean back." They did as told and Benji asked why. Andrew quickly pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road "the fucking cashier in there is Erik's brothers. He has a photo of me at the masquerade, you can't see it's me because I was turned around but he pointed out my skin and hair. He knows we killed them. I denied it on there but he knows and he not gonna let it go." Benji sighed dramatically "well, this sucks." Victor said leaning against Benji's shoulder

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