chapter 1- the nightmare

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⚠️trigger warning there will be hate and death <3⚠️

WildBerry's pov

Should I go hang out with crunchy chip? I know since we started dating he's been really distant and I know dark cacao has been very strict on him... I'll go try and hang out with him I thought to myself as I walked over to Ms hollyberrys door "your majesty can I go hang out with crunchy chip cookie?" I asked her while bowing "yeah of course wildberry!" She said as I thanked her and walked out the door and made my way to the dark cacao kingdom

Crunchy chips pov

I sat in my room and rote in my diary dear diary, since me and wildberry got together my father has been an asshole to me for no reason... I really miss wildberry. I want to talk to him more but I feel like I am a burden to him, I know he is very busy with hollyberry but I want to be with him... All I have is my cream wolfs... I'm going to take a nap....

Crunchy chip out.

In crunchy chips dream

"W- wildberry!?" I said. Wildberry pushed me to the ground and killed all of my cream wolfs. I screamed for help and he said "I never loved you. Your worthless no one loves you. Your a failure. Go die. You don't belong on this earth. GO DIE

I woke up in my bed to see wildberry in my face "GAH!!!" I screamed he out his hand around my shoulder and sat the the edge of the bed next to me "crunchy chip, are you okay? You are sweating really bad" he said to me as I sobbed "w-wildberry i-i had a nightmare" I sobbed in his chest "babe, do you wanna talk about it?" He said while kissing my forehead "i-it was about y-you killing m-my cream wolfs a-and telling m-me I'm w-w-worthless" I said while sobbing "honey you know that none of that is true, you are amazing and beautiful, you are so talented and brave, and your cute and funny. That's what I love about you, don't let a dream predict what everyone thinks about you I love you more than anything" he said holding me "thank you" I said as he wiped the tears off my face

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