chapter 3 - uhhhh wha?

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Wildberrys pov

Crunchy chip grabbed my arm and walked me to the dining room. I was big and had dark chocolate all around it "hello your majesty" I said to dark cacao bowing "hello, wildberry." He responded to me "thank you for letting me stay here sir" I said "no problem as long as it makes my son happy, I've never seen so happy before, I should be thanking you, wildberry.. He has had a rough childhood" he said. I looked around the room and I couldn't find crunchy chip "sir, may I ask, how was his childhood bad?" I asked "well, when me and his dad separated he was devastated, and his father is very petty so it was hard for him, and with his cream wolfs... Losing some in battle is hard, he has had those his whole life, I wanted to say thank you, he always talks about you!" Dark cacao laughed "oh! And call me cacao, you ARE my sons boyfriend after all!" Cacao smiled as pure vanilla and crunchy chip came out of the kitchen "hello, cacao! Oh! Hi? Who is this?" Pure vanilla said to cacao "oh! This is wildberry, crunchy chips boyfriend!" He smiled and walked over to pure vanilla and kissed him on the cheek w-what pure vanilla and dark cacao are DATING!? I thought pure vanilla was dating while lily!? Huh??? "Babe, you okay" crunchy chip said looking at me "I just realized how short you are" I laughed. We all sat at the dinner table. Pure vanilla sat his staff beside him "pure vanilla?" I said "yes, and please call me vanilla!" He smiled "do you mind me asking, but what is your staff for?" I asked "oh, I am blind, so I use my staff to see!" He smiled "wait, your blind!? Oh my god I'm sorry, I did not mean to yell" I apologized "no, no child I know I was shocked when I found out too." He smiled "wait, so when you open your eyes you can't see anything?" I asked "no I cannot" he said holding cacaos hand "beside the fact that vanilla is blind dad still says that he's good in bed, I wondered does he set up is staff beside him when they have sex so he can see?" Crunchy chip whispered in my ear. I giggled "what are y'all love birds talking about?" Vanilla and cacao laughed. Dark choco gave me death glare. "Babe why is dark choco looking at me like that" I whispered. Crunchy chip looks at dark choco and sticks his tongue out at him "DAD CRUNCHY CHIP STUCK HIS TONGUE OUT AT ME" dark choco yelled "don't be a snitch choco." Cacao gave HIM the death glare. I laughed to myself. I put my hand on crunchy chips thigh. He puts his hand on my hand.

Plz go read my dark cacao x pure vanilla 💅 it's sooooo good 🤤👍thank u ❤🌹🙏 and I know I know it's short but dw it will be worth it!!

crunchy chip x wildberryWhere stories live. Discover now