sweater weather

112 9 2

may 20th

breakups hurt.

so bad.

they make you want to kick and scream.

they make you want to take all of your anger out in any way, on anyone.

changbin let him.

when seungmin's boyfriend of a year finally left him, seungmin kicked, and he screamed and he took all his anger out.

on someone who didn't deserve it.

but changbin let him.

seungmin sobbed and sobbed.

on changbin's shoulder.

it hurt.

it hurt so bad.

it hurt changbin.

it hurt to see his best friend and crush in so much pain.

but he smiled.

seungmin came to him for help.

seungmin had looked to him for comfort.

seungmin wasn't with that monster anymore.

changbin then had a chance.

october 18th

it had been five months since seungmin's breakup and he was completely over it.

changbin smiles. him and seungmin were laying on his unmade bed, in his messy room. clothes littered the floor, posters all over his walls.

the music that was playing was their favorite genre. they always called it their genre, even though they didn't own it, it was totally theirs.

it was almost silent.


"hm?" changbin's tired voice rung through the room.

"let's go to the beach."

changbin perked up at this.

the beach was seungmin's safe space, he usually went there when he needed to get something off of his mind.

"is something up? you okay?"

"very okay! i'm amazing. i just want to.. spend time with you i guess?" seungmin showed him his signature puppy smile.

"but we're spending time right now?"

"but i love the beach, and i know you do too!"

"fine, but it's cold out."

seungmin nodded and grabbed something from his bag.

it was changbin's sweater.

"i came prepared!"

"you still have that..?"

"of course! i wear it all the time, it's my favorite sweater i have."

changbin's heart lit up, a pink shade dusted his cheeks. he kept it still.

he was speechless. changbin's sweater was seungmin's favorite?

"you go get a sweatet from your closet too, you can't wear tank tops in october, you'll get sick!"

changbin complied and grabbed a random hoodie from his closet.

changbin drove them to the beach, smiling to himself. seungmin was so adorable.

once they got there seungmin ran out of the car, heading towards the sand.

changbin followed after him.

once they got all the way to the water, seungmin smiled. he looked up at changbin and gave him a teasing look before splashing him.

changbin splashed back.

pretty soon they were splashing back and forth almost soaked.

seungmin almost fell, but changbin caught him.

he looked him in his eyes. seungmin's smile was so big.

"changbin. i love you."

he smiled, going in for a kiss. changbin gripped onto his waist as seungmin looped his arms around changbin's neck.

the ocean water splashed onto their feet as they kissed, wind blowing their hair.

it was so cold out, but they were warm with each other's touch.

once they pulled away seungmin placed his forehead on changbin's.

"i love you too."

"will you go out with me?" seungmin asked.

"of course."

changbin was so happy. he liked him back.

finally liked him back.

he finally earned the title of seungmin's boyfriends.

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