we fell in love in october

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october 18th - next year

dating is amazing.

as long as seungmin was with him.

changbin walked up behind the brunette boy who was cooking their breakfast and looped his arms around his waist.

"hey baby."

"good morning." seungmin smiled, turning around to give changbin a kiss. "happy anniversary."

"happy anniversary."

"you know what?"


"i love october, i don't know which month i really fell for you, but i'm so happy we made it official. i don't know what i'd do without you and i'm so happy you're here with me to support me." seungmin smiled.

"i love october as well. it's my favorite month."

"it's always been your favorite month, dummy."

"well now i love it even more," changbin chuckled, giving seungmin another kiss.

"i made us breakfast, it's just some pancakes and bacon, but i'm sure it'll be okay."

"you cooking's amazing, it'll be amazing."

"well thanks!"

seungmin set two plates down on the table and put two pieces of bacon and two pancakes on each.

"i was right, it's delicious."

seungmin just giggled.

changbin could let seungmin's laugh repeat everyday in his mind. it always makes his entire day.

"let's go to the beach!" seungmin smiled, mouth full of food.

"sure," changbin chuckled.

they drove to the beach with coffees and walked right next to the water, hand in hand, sipping on their coffee.

they spent the whole day together, they didn't do anything too special, but spending time with each other was probably one of the most special things for each of them.

they ended the day off with ordering some pizza and sitting to watch horror movies.

october was always their favorite month.

their anniversary being in october just made it a thousand times better.

seungmin paused the movie.

"i love you so much changbin, you're the love of my life." seungmin smiled and pressed his lips onto changbin's. they kissed for a while, till they pulled away.

"i love you too. i don't know if i show it enough, but i really do love you so much."

"it's alright, you show it enough for me."

seungmin hugged changbin, laying his head down on his chest. he unpaused the movie and smiled once again.

"happy anniversary," changbin smiled, kissing seungmin's head.

october || seungbin Where stories live. Discover now