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Resting my head over the palm of my hand on the hard wooden table. My mind was not on the lesson the teacher kept recalling us to point it down. Important for the upcoming exam.

I have to score well. No matter what. It wasn't that I had any pressure. But it was me who liked to be first in every field. But for some reason, I couldn't able to focus any longer on the teacher's voice. But it was certain ebony, sable hair pushed back while some strands fall back on the sun-kissed skin.

I felt my eyes fixed on Namjoon. His observant gaze stared at the front board and then towards his book. Marking some lines or important notes. I should be working too. But here I was not attentive in the class but to him. His small frown every passing minute. Fixing his glasses which slide down every often made me laugh.

"Ms Scott?! " I snapped. My back straightened the moment Mr Stone's voice erupt in my ear. His brows intertwined together throwing me glares. The book damn closed lying on his desk while he watch me with his deadly green orbs. Shit.

" Y-yes Mr Stone " I felt the shuttle in my voice. Pushing back my words to not fall out of my lips and crack if I tried to say anything. God, I am dead.

I curse shutting my eyes close.
Hands rolled into a tight fist.
My heart palpitating rapidly.
Damn Namjoon. You got me hooked already.

" I've been watching you zoned out the entire time in my class. Ms Scott. Any trouble. Keeping you dawdling. In my class? "

Yes. I shook my head forcing a nervous grin on my lips while his stare tired more serious. For fuck shake spare me this once.

I didn't realize I was biting my lips so hard until I felt the metallic taste of my blood and a deep voice gush out with no emotion. " Excuse, me sir?  "

Realising that Namjoon was just over the opposite side of the two rows before me. I could easily see his half-side profile. Listening with such attention while his brows were fixed on the teacher.

" I have a doubt, " He said and the way Mr Stones let out a brief sigh. I knew he already forgot me. Striding towards Namjoon who seemed curious of what so ever the doubt he was in. I pushed my ass down my seat.

" Toppers are the priority " I heard some students whisper. Yeah. It was not so true. They weren't. It's just the way it looks. But the actual reason was teachers didn't give a damn about who won. About students. And so far I have seen it. But Mr Stone was an exception. He cared. 

I pushed my head on the table. Leaning over my arms covering my face but that small portion of want to see what was happening. Or did Namjoon have doubt and he wasn't just helping me? 

" Thank you, sir " his voice smoothed like silk. The depth it contains is like the mystery of the sea. He pulled out a smile flaunting his deep dimples showcasing his beauty. Jesus Christ. This guy is a damn snack. 

I let out a small sigh and forced my head to the front of the broad. Staring at the blank words. " Hey." 

A voice whispered behind me making me shift to face whoever the person is, gaze relaxed with a flaunt smile plastered across his lips like a mimicking clown in the classroom.  " I never knew you were dating him.....? " 

"And who is that... " I asked with disinterest.

 " The high hat " he placed his hand on the top of his desk raising his hand before pointing the direction towards the boy who was mindlessly working on his notebook not aware of what was happening in the class. Really. 

Namjoon was the nerd of the class. But it was true when we say he was popular---Jesus this boy has some issues. Because trust me when I say popular. He had been asked by half of the school girls to be their boyfriend and he respectfully denied it. Weirdo.  

I glance towards the nameless boy. Was he always present in the class before? Or did I never notice? " You... " 

" Hoseok. Jung Hoseok " he said with a heart smile. Leaning close to his desk moving close.  " But you can call me j-hope. "

" But seriously Scott, you never knew my name," he said faking in a dramatic way his lips smug down before he laughed at his acting.

" Guess now I knew, " I said spinning back towards Mr. stone before he catch me again and this time I won't be taken care of.

" Trust me. You won't forget ever," he whispered near to my ear and my whole body stiffened at his closeness. When did he come this close?

"Mr Stone " Namjoon voiced again but this time it was loud and clear. The small grunt that leaves after he turns the page in his book is more irritation.

His jaw was clenched tight and the tension in his body was evident from this far. God how much he has doubts in Management.

The snickering of Hoseok behind me didn't faze me to the point I want to roll my eyes but it was Namjoon. He was acting weird. Asking doubts after doubts which he never did before in any of the classes. Never.

" Man. I have never seen him get this irritated " Hoseok said and I frown hearing him. Irritated.

" And why?... " I didn't know but my thoughts came out unknowingly and I hear his breathy laugh. " You won't know until you find yourself," he said.

" Stop speaking in a riddle. I hate them " Yeah. Because it is head-racking. Puzzles, I have never loved. To find the answer in the direction we have never known be right or wrong.

" But he does," he said. And I knew who he was referring to.

Namjoon sure love mazes. I have seen it. The way he sometimes is lost in the books of mysteries or was that time when he answered the most difficult answer in maths and explain how it was the question which had the clue hidden.

" You sound as if you know him well," I said irritated. Someway Hoseok was stirring a weird emotion inside me. And I was unknowingly getting drawn by it.

" Yes. I am " he said.


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