Chapter 1

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He suddenly raised up his head. He asked me if I wanted to have a lemonade. His eyes pointing at a juice shop ahead of us. I nodded. He said he was paying me the fees for keeping him entertained. Rofl.
He bought us two big glasses of lemonade. Before handing me over, he spoke, "Hold this but don't drink. We take turns at asking each other questions. If you mean the answer is yes then take a sip. Okay?"
I played along. "You start"
He asked me, "Coffee or tea? Yes for coffee & no for tea."
I took a sip. It was my turn. "Dog or cat? Yes for dogs and no for cats."
He said, "My turn "
He liked cats so did I .
"You like makeup?"
I replied, "I like light natural makeup but not heavy."
He intervened, "Eh eh, Only yes or no. There's no midway"
I said, "My turn"
He was staring at the sky over my shoulder. He must be around 5 inches taller than me. I suddenly wanted to ask him something personal and I wanted the answer.
"Are you single?"
"Buzz- personal question!"
"No midway. Just say yes or no"
I grinned. I had fooled him in his own game.
He took his first sip. I was happy. I don't know why but I was feeling lighter. I smiled at him.
He asked, "Are you a crazy but fun-loving girl?"
We ringed our arms around each other instantly. It was as if he knew I was gonna ring around his arm. Our arms linked, we drank the whole glass. We both knew by now that I am CRAZY. Then we both laughed together.
"Let's play another game. Here you win if you catch more attention from the passersby "
I thought to myself what could go wrong by playing a short game.  I agreed with him.
I played Cheap Thrills by Sia on my phone. Fulll volume. On a usual day, I won't do this. Won't even dream about doing this but today and particularly now I wanted to forget about everything and do what I feel like. I wanted to forget all propriety rules and do all sorts of embarassing things I won't ever think about like dancing sloppy in a park!
His sparkling eyes were anticipating for my move. Some onlookers were already paying us attention. I stretched. I waited till the song swelled to it's high tone. And boom. I started free dancing.
"....Till I hit the dance floor
     Till I hit the dance floor
      I got all I need
      I ain't got cash
      I ain't got cash
      But I got you, baby ...."
A good amount of people started staring at me but my eyes were fixed on him. His brown eyes shining at me with admiration. This wasn't normal. It's the power he had over me that made me do this.
The song ended and I smirked at him. I knew I was gonna win this round.
He grabbed my purse and started running at a high speed. I don't understand. I am confused. I thought he was a gentleman. Why would he run away with my purse? Did he wanna steal my money all along?
I ran after him. I called out for help. Everyone's eyes on him and the drama that was going on. Even some volunteered to chase him down. I followed them to him .
I came to an end. I was now outside of the park. There were 2 streets from this point. One to my left and one to my right and 1 road in front of.  There was heavy traffic on the road. I am sure he won't have taken that road. I saw those people who were also chasing after him to take the  left street and  I followed them.
As I was running through the street, a hand flew out from thin air and grabbed the lapel of my frock and pulled in inside. It was a dark place between two buildings. I couldn't understand what was going on. The dying daylight didn't help me either.
There was warmth all over my torso. I looked up. It was him. He instantly grabbed my mouth with his free hand and forestalled me from saying anything. I had million questions. Our hearts were thudding 100 miles per hr. I could feel his chest inflate and deflate against mine. He had secured me tightly with his other hand which was carrying my purse, by holding me around my waist. His warm breaths were hitting my skin and I could smell him. He smelled all iron and musky and of course sweaty.
A thin layer of sweat had broken out on my forehead after all the running. He was looking for the chasers.
"Looks like I got more action than you did! I think we can say I won this round though I must say you put a good fight."
He smiled not looking at me.
"This was not cool. What do you think of yourself?", I literally barked at him! I was furious. Still astonished.

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