Chapter 4

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I had been through a bad breakup to be honest. It had rugged my soul coz this was the first time I thought I had fallen in love for.
I answered, "Yes. His name is Prat. It was toxic and it didn't end well though we are still friends."
"How bad?"
"I cried for weeks together. I used to fill up my notepad with my feelings. I couldn't focus on any damn thing. He was manipulative."
"Don't let anyone make you feel sad cause no one's worth your happiness."
I nodded. My eyes little teary with the memories of my past relationship.
"I know it's hard for you move on but always remember there's no standard time to forget someone or something. It's hard coz you miss the good times you had together. I understand that completely."
"You  have been through bad breakup before?"
"No, I am single. I was always single." ,he answered with a grin.
I moved towards him and leaned against the railing just to his left.
"Sometimes I blame myself for the breakup. I feel like I didn't measure up."
He turned to look at me. A tear or two had escaped my eyes. He wiped them with the back of his thumb and tugged my black tendrils of wavy hair behind my ear. His smooth but hard hands caressed my hairs and I felt zingy. I wondered why I felt so comfortable with a stranger's touch. He had said many words with his silence and I could feel it in my bones. I wanted time to pause here and now for some reason unknown. It would be crazy to call it love. I had barely met this guy and top of all I didn't even know his name...
He completed my sentence again, "Yet you know it's okay. And if you don't then let me assure you that."
I looked at him. Is it some kind of telepathy that was happening? Probably he was still talking about the breakup!
My friends had always understood  my dirty looks and sarcastic comments but never in seven heavens did someone read my mind like it's an open book. I didn't want to be an open book. I had known and survived by bottling up what I had felt and forgetting about it later.
"I am sixteen. And you?" ,I deliberately tried to change the topic. I hate the way it still clings to me with its claws
He fixed his gaze on me while I looked at the great city view ahead. It was quiet up here and no one except us was in the gazebo though I could see a very few people down below taking walks in the park path.
A cool breeze blew my hair and billowed behind my shoulder, revealing a patch of bare skin on my clavicle. Fly-aways on my head were dancing like a hula doll. I was knackered up, by now but still wanted more of this pleasant moment. Actually, I never want it to end. Suddenly my phone screamed it's ringtone in my purse and I picked it up to see - "Sush" calling me.
I answered the call- hello.
"Where the hell are you? Aunty called me up asking where you were? Why aren't you at home? Didn't I tell I wasn't gonna come? ..."
"Sushree wait, listen..."
She was literally screaming through the phone and I know he could hear her perfectly though his face showed indifference to my situation. I went back to sit on the bench and talk calmly while he stared at the open void ahead of him. I finally got a chance to answer.
"Look, Don't worry I am fine. I am still at the park. Taking a stroll."
"You don't take a stroll for fucking 3½hrs.  Are you competing for marathon?"
I checked my watch it was actually late. Very late to be honest. It was around 7:45. I hadn't been outside and alone for so long. All those games and running had made me loose track of time. I checked my social. Mama had sent me messages asking if I was alright. Ohh so sweet! I texted her back- 'BRB in 15 mins!'
She instantly checked my msg and replied, 'Ok be quick. I was worried about you!'
Sushree screamed on the other end, pulling me out of my trance,"Are you going to explain what's happening?"
I said yes and told her that there's nothing to worry about and I will explain her everything once I return home. I said it in the most convincing manner. The call went dead and I got up to go back.
I climbed down the gazebo and walked till the gate of the park. He followed me. We both chose to stay quiet.
As soon as I reached the main road, he broke the silence, "You have made my evening worthwhile so lemme pay you back. I will drop you off to your house and say goodbye at your doorstep just to make sure you have a safe journey back to home."
I grinned ear to ear, "I  don't need your help but yeah this was a wonderful evening. I wished if I could have spent more time or known you more."
He insisted on coming along with me till my doorstep and I couldn't help but say yes. He wasn't going to meet anyone there. He was just going to say goodbye at my apartment entrance. He wasn't even going to ever visit me again so what could possibly go wrong with that. I trusted him at least that much.
And it would be more safer to have someone I know, around me while I ride across the city to my home. SOMEONE I KNOW! LOL. I didn't know him but I somewhat did. Not to mention that this 10 mins ride would also give me 10 mins more to spend with him.
He booked a cab and we got into the car as soon as it arrived. The car took speed and the city lights started to blur out into the darkness behind us as we got towards my home. I lived in the suburbs.
He had paid for the lemonade and also given me free beer but I can't let him pay this cab for me too. Afterall he was going to pay for the cab ride back to his home, so it was a common courtesy for me to do it.
4 mins have gone by and we hadn't looked at each other. He was staring out of his side of window and I was staring at my side. I suddenly felt something warm around my neck. It was his hand.
He had snaked his hand around my nape behind all my hairs. I titled my head on his hand at his touch giving him a soft smile like I had known him for years now.
We clearly wanted more from each other. It was a nice and wonderful evening. This event made no sense but still was so meaningful. I didn't get to know who he was but I got to know I was and who I am. Silence spoke volumes.
I slid over to his side and laid my head on his chest, not caring for a world. I dozed for a while knowing that he won't let anything happen to me.
He shoke me up and called me to break my sleep, "Hey beauty wakey wakey! It's your home."
I yawned and came out of the car. I looked around and it was my home sweet home. I lived in an apartment in the outskirts of the capital city.
Our evening had come to an end.
He said that he had already paid for the cab and that the cab would also take him back to his house.
I finally spoke what my heart had wanted, "You know you don't have to end this. You can have my number if you want and we can continue talking..."
"But that would be breaking of rules and I really don't want to. Once I get to know you , the magic of this evening won't last longer."
He made no sense. I gave him a skeptical look and he continued,"You know you like a thing when you find it so perfect and beautiful without knowing about all the unknown variables regarding it. I liked this evening and I am scared if I know all the unknown variables, it will not be the same for me after that."
He slide his hand, slowing moving his hand up and down my warm cheek. We both simpered at each other.
I couldn't help but hug him. I usually don't like hugs but this was compulsory for me. I wanted to hug him so I did. He let his head fall on my shoulder and I did the same. His warmth was passing over to my body and my hands were tightly wrapping him around his neck. I stood on my toes to match with his height. He was tall and had broad shoulders. Still very young and pristine.
We had to seperate so I moved my face from him and walked over till the elevator. I didn't give him a second glance 'cause I knew it was only going to hurt me more if I did look back.
I wanted him to come back and get me. I wanted him to break his rules for me. I felt a deep connection with him even though I had only known him for 3 hrs.
Suddenly, I was pushed towards the hard wall ahead of me. He had came back for me. My front facing the wall and his front facing my back, he wrapped his right arm around my waist to secure me tightly against his body. His left hand snaked around my back and pushed my chin up. I stared back at his dark eyes. I knew he would come back. He must have felt the same strong connection too.
I felt his warm breaths piercing through my skin and his cold stare making me even more confused. Our beats synced and I could literally hear my heartbeats. If my heart was thrilled, his was roaring. My whole body became very sensitive.
His covered my lips with his own full ones and we had a deep kiss now. I can't believe this was really happening. I broke the kiss to take a breath. I looked into his eyes for a moment and saw only the feral raw part of him, wanting more of me. I pushed against his lips again, wanting more of him and he pushed down keeping me in my limits. It was a magical collaboration. It was my first kiss. My eyes closed and I melted into his arms.
He turned me around for more coverage and then desparately started kissing my lips, cheeks and then getting down along my neck. I could see his sharp jawline now that we were so close. My body was warming up for him. There was steady exchange of warmth and passion between us.
He slowly moved down my throat, covering it with wet kisses. I wanted him. He wanted me too. I felt him hard against my stomach. He was everything I could ever wish for. My stomach was filled with butterflies. All swarming and gliding, making me dizzy.
He reached the base of my neck when I let out a gasp. And he went deeper, trying his luck with my decolletage.
Realisation struck me all at once. I was never gonna see him again then what's the point of all this. What would it mean for me in the end- Nothing. This felt like the right person, not enough time trope and I exactly hated that especially when we can opt to keep in touch. I didn't want the memories anymore. I wanted the guy who gave me these memories.
I stopped him before he could move any further and asked him his name. He looked straight into my eyes and I waited for an answer. He was still panting.
"That's against the rules. My condition was you can't know my identity."
"I don't care about your condition. I have given myself to you and for all I know it's worth more than any condition in this world."
Why won't he say anything? Why was he so strong on his stance to not to reveal his identity? I was ready to tell him who I was! I waited for few more mins while he just stared at my eyes guiltily.
I couldn't take this anymore. If he isn't gonna tell me what I had asked for then fine I don't care about him either. Screw him. I pushed him and ran to staircase. I could feel his gaze at my back but he didn't move a muscle. He knew there was no point in stopping me if he didn't want to talk. I was hurt.
I ran upstairs and crashed on my bed. Mama came in and asked if everything was okay. I nodded and we had a small talk. After she went off, I closed my door , put on 'Let somebody go by Cold play and Selena Gomez' on my earphones and dug my face deep into my pillows. Tears started spilling out of my eyes.
How could he do that ?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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