Chapter 11

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The two of them ran as fast as they could toward the elevator area. They heard the giant's footsteps approaching behind them, and hoped they were fast enough.

Just as they reached the elevator area and Leon walked to the scanner ahead, the giant stepped through the door and hurled the body of one of the lickers toward Ada.

The woman dodged skillfully, and they both watched as the Licker's body was dragged along the floor due to the giant's strength, and the blood that stained the metal of the floor.

The metal walkway to the west area connected to the elevator area, and they ran towards the door ahead listening to the giant's footsteps getting closer and closer.

They passed through the door that led to the biological testing laboratory. The small corridor leading to the lab was stained with blood and there was another dead soldier with his back propped up against the wall ahead.

Leon, still running, picked up the shotgun shells that lay on the floor, completely ignoring the body and continuing to move forward. That thing just wouldn't quit.

They came to a small office, and right next to it were some stretchers with some research machines beside it. The room was dimly lit, save for a few lamps.

They went through the room quickly, barely scanning the surrounding area for any zombies.

They ran through the bioreactor room, ignoring the special clothes and running down the long corridor that led to their goal, finally.

Test laboratory. As soon as they entered the room, it was almost impossible not to stop and look at the hideous things inside the glass tanks in front of them. Infected eyes similar to the eyes of monsters Leon has faced before, infected arms with long claws or protrusions just above the biceps. Even something that looked like a human heart in one of the capsules, but larger, gray in color, with thick, long ribs around it.

Even what looked like a Licker's arm on one of the tanks. Leon could tell it was a member of a Licker for sure, he had seen enough to know, not to mention that he had already been wounded by one.

Ada seemed as interested and surprised by this as he was. But soon, Leon shakes his head and focuses on the goal. He approaches with quick steps a small unplugged refrigerator beside him, and his eyes fall on some bottles in front of him. They were separated into two different small chambers, one next to the other. The two bottles on the left were purple, while the ones on the right were light colored.

Above the bottles on the right was written "DEVIL". A computer was turned on next to it, and this same name was written in one of the sentences of the text present on the screen.

The antiviral vaccine.

Leon began to breathe heavily, practically gasping for breath, and he couldn't contain the relieved smile that broke out on his lips. He had made it... he had made it!

"Leon!" Ada called his name, and reality hit him hard.

The tirant reached them.

Grabbing his rifle, Leon stands beside Ada and points the gun toward the giant who was approaching at a rapid pace. He couldn't lose him, or get past him without another stun grenade or something.

He needed to immobilize the creature or kill it... maybe if he could create some opportunity.

Whatever it was, he started shooting at the tirant, where most of his shots hit the tirant's head. Or rather, they would hit it, if the giant hadn't put his arm in front of his face as a form of protection.

Leon grumbled loudly. Whatever that thing the tyrant was wearing, it was sturdy.

The giant attacked Leon, who was the closest. The cop crouched and threw himself forward, dodging the blow and rolling on the ground. He dropped his rifle and picked up the shotgun, throwing the weapon at Ada as soon as he stood up.

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