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Hi so for some context or just some random info for anyone who actually ever reads this.

This story is just to help me get better at writing because I'm going to write and publish a novel hopefully soon. If I make a tiktok account to go along with this wattpad account I''l put it here ________ (for now its just a load of underscores until I actually make one).

 Its not like anyone would in the first place but please dont steal/ copy my work/chapters/story etc etc because copyright etc etc .

ALSO IM NOT A MEDICAL PROFFESSIONAL AND I DONT CLAIM TO BE- One of the characters has breast cancer so if i get anything about it wrong please correct me and ill find a way to change it/ make it makemore sense.

When/ If I finish the other book im working on that will hopefully get published when it's finished, I'll put the title in here somwhere.

I hope you enjoy this practice project thing that will turn into a monstrosity. 

-Thank you to anyone who actually genuinely reads or likes this . <3

-RynnyBynny :)

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