Chapter 14

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One month time skip
Harry's pov:

It's been one month since that incident on the rooftop. One month of dodging Louis' calls, not allowing him in my office and house.

He always create a scene, my bodyguards always have to deal with his bullshit. And Zayn is so sick of him. He wanted me to have a extra bodyguard because of that.

Well not exactly because of that , I'll tell you his actual reason.

It was last appointment of third trimester and he told me that from now onwards our appointments will be once a month. Which scared me because what if something is wrong with bud and we get to know about it was too late.

So I guess I anxiety lead him to be anxious , so he wants me to have one of his bodyguard, who also have medical knowledge, his name was Ethan. Sweet guy but I refused. And since that day Zee had been trying to convince me. Though I can see Ethan following me around.

It's been a happy month. No stress.

Well except for Louis.

You know Niall even got we a 'mood indicator' as he likes to say it. It have different emojis showing moods

And as usual I complaint about it to Zee who just laughed at my face

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And as usual I complaint about it to Zee who just laughed at my face. That bastard.

Right now I'm on my way to meet that bastard. We are going on the lunch date in the restaurant near my office.

" HARRY HARRY!" I heard somebody screaming my name. I know that voice and I don't want to meet them.

" Handle him " I said to my bodyguard. He just nodded and left to get Louis side.

I just rushed to my car as if I didn't hear him.


" Hey princess you okay? You look a bit stressed" Aww my baby is so cute.

" Yeah honey I'm fine. We gotta do something about Louis though" I said sighning because I don't know what to do about him.

"Harry? " " Zayn?"

Two voices said one was my dad but I didn't know the other one.

The guy was my dad's age, dressed up in suit. My guess is he's a business man. But how did he knew Zee.

" Dad?" "Baba?".

" Aap yaha kya kar rahe ho?" ( What are you doing here?)  Zayn asked the man I some foreign language.

" Dost ke sath lunch" ( lunch with a friend) ' the man replied pointing towards my dad.

I think they both noticed my dad and mine confused expression.

" Princess this is my father and baba this is Harry my boyfriend" Zayn introduced us.

So he's Zayn's father.

"Hello Mr. Malik"

" Hello my boy. Oh gosh you are so handsome. You put my Zaynie boy to shame as well and please call me Yasher".  Zee's dad said, making me blush.

" Of course he's handsome he's my baby." My dad scoffed getting a smack from Yasher.

" Shut up it's all Anne , you troll" Yasher said , I laughed , my dad pouted and Zee gave a small smile i guess being respectful.

" Harry are you not going to introduce me ?" Dad asked, changing the topic.

" Nope. I'm angry at you. You didn't get me my strawberries. So this us your punishment and I'm also going to tell mom about this" I said giving him attitude.

" What no you can't do that. I'll get you everything you want. Just don't tell Anne please" dad pleaded. Looked at Zayn asking for his advice ,to which he smiled.

" Well , Zayn this is my dad , Desmond Styles. And dad this is Dr Malik , my bf".

Both of them shook hands.

" It's nice to meet you Mr Styles"

" Oh no boy call me Des. And nice to meet you too"

I was shocked with my dad allowing Zee to call him des. He never allowed Louis to call him anything but Mr Styles.

" Why don't you two join us " I offered.

Now it's all four of us having lunch. It's nice to see Zayn and dad interact. And I can tell dad like him.

" Des I need your help with something" Zayn said. And no I don't want dad to help because I know it is.

" Yeah what is it Zayn"

" You see , since Harry is pregnant , and I'm not seeing him as my patient every two weeks like before. I want him to have one more bodyguard, which have medical knowledge. He's one of mine. But harry won't agree. And with Louis situation also , I would like if he more security. Please convince him " Zayn pleaded , all puppy eyes and all.

Not falling for that trick doc.

" Hmm. I agree with you Zayn. The idea of bodyguard who have medical knowledge is great. Harry you'll have a new bodyguard. " He agreed, just like that. Must be those honey eyes.


" I'm sorry Harry but I also agree with Zayn. Im sure he's talking about Ethan. He's a great guy. You'll be safe with him " Yasher cut me.

So now it's three against one. I can't even take out ' Mom sword' because I know she'll also take their side.

" Okay" I said. Exhaling heavily.

" And I'm gonna do something about his Louis situation. I hate that guy. " My dad expressions changed from calm to angry.

" Yes so do I. " It was Zayn this time.

And before we know it they both started making idea about the situation animatedly.

" Looks like they found their thing to bond over. We need to find our now harry" Yasher laughed.

" Oh I know business" I exclaimed.

If I forgot to mention, Malik is a big name in business world. Successful companies. They're our only competition but since dad and Yasher are friends, there isn't any competition.

". You know we can deport him" Zayn gave an idea. And my dad nodded. This stupid doctor

Oh my god , I need to stop these two before they do something.

" Okay stop it you two. I'll handle this situation. I'm calling over Louis tomorrow".I said, my final decision.

" I want to be there tomorrow!"

Guess who said it ?

It's both of them!!!

And I know they won't back down.

Hiya people , how are you?

Again no hate on real life Loulou , he's my teacher of sass.

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