|𝟣𝟣| A lover's determination

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A month had quickly past since Izana revealed to me about the Queen Candidate exam. A week after he had warned me, he had officially announced it in a political gathering to which hosted the Kingdom's greatest aristocrats. Like I had thought, many noble families were practically salivating at the thought of their daughters marrying the future king of Clarines. However, my determination to stand by his side did not falter; it grew into a thirst for knowledge. I acquired books on etiquette and politics to fully immerse myself in Izana's life and stand a chance in the Queen Candidate exam. I practised relentlessly from how to walk, talk, smile and sit. It was difficult teaching myself etiquette due to never truly knowing whether I was acting correctly. My worries seized when Kiki saw me practising and offered to help me. I was quite taken back, we've never exchanged pleasantries, yet she didn't bat an eye to teach and correct me and question the extent of my political knowledge. Obviously, as Zen's aide she wasn't able to always be there when I practiced but she passed by frequently. Eventually we seemed to have built a friendship of sorts as we often gave each other advice or just conversed causally.

It a was a relatively luminous day today in Clarines. The sun was mindless beaming, while a cool gentle breeze tickled my hair. I gently picked up the porcelain cup filled with green tea and ascended it to my mouth before taking a short sip before placing it on top of the saucer.

"You've improved greatly, no noble lady will see a fault in your mannerism" Kiki compliments with a minuscule smile.

I smile happily, "it wouldn't be so without your help"

I truly wouldn't have come this far without Kiki's input. I couldn't bring myself to ask Izana for help as it didn't feel right to do so. The Queen Candidate exam is a way to prove my value to the kingdom of Clarines. Most importantly, it's test of love. Before Kiki began helping me she asked me,

"Why the first prince of Clarines?"

Why did I have to fall for the future king of a highly influential kingdom?


"When Izana and I are together, he's not the first prince of Clarines. He's this charming, kind man who I'm lucky to call my lover." Chloe replied with a tender smile.

It was a look I was all to familiar with. The gaze Shirayuki has upon Zen. The look of unconditional love that is filled with only the kindest intentions.
She loves him.
The journey she's choosing to walk looks rough and blistering. Both her and Izana must be aware yet they refuse to dissolve the relationship. I guess love knows no bounds indeed.

I felt the urge to help her prepare for this journey, ease her burdens so she doesn't burn out.


My answer had seem satisfied her judgement as then onwards she began helping me, almost like my own personal etiquette teacher like the ones the young noble ladies have.

"The Queen Candidate exam as you know is next week, are fully prepared. We're obviously unaware of the challenges but there's some variables we can control. That is attire" Kiki informed in a professor's tone.

I was so occupied on my etiquette and political training, that I had completely forgotten about my appearance.
First impressions are everything. People judge by looks before they inquire about you and even then nobles will only enquire about you if you are fit to standards. I can't believe I'd forget such a crucial part. Though I've been paid quite generously as a florist I'd doubt i could afford a dress to compete with those with generational wealth.

Kiki smirks setting down her tea and laying her hands crossed on the table "Therefore, my family is willing to sponsor you to cover petty expenses in hopes that you become Queen in the future"

This isn't some naive act of kindness obviously. Kiki is the heiress of the Seiran family, an Earl's family. From much of my research on noble families, they are quite a prominent family. Like any noble family they crave support and security. They are willing to invest in me to become Queen. This will not only rise their status but also further strengthen their relationship with the royal family. Quite frankly I don't have much to lose from this offer.

I take a long sip of my green tea, with a deep breath, "I gratefully accept your proposal Heiress Seiran"

"Very well, a dress maker who's a well acquainted with my family shall be coming tomorrow to show you some dress designs."

She pull a piece of neatly folded paper and awkwardly cleared her throat, "His highness Izana has requested for you to move into the the imperial guest room by the end of next week. He says 'if you stubbornly refuse, I'll shall carry you there myself...and close the door behind us' "

I had immediately started choking, so much that I needed to take a gulp out of tea that Kiki had quickly refilled for me. What is he thinking writing something like that? You'd think that someone like Obi wrote it.

"Should I be worrying about a new addition to the Royal family?" Kiki joked causing my face to resemble a red rose.

"Of course not, he and I... h-haven't d-done that yet" my eyes were gazing anywhere but at Kiki

"I see, be sure to wait until the wedding. I trust that his highness and yourself are responsible" She replies

She must love teasing me.

 𝓒𝓱𝓵𝓸𝓮'𝓼 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓪𝓯𝓮Where stories live. Discover now