Chapter 3

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"Annabeth, Rachel is stopping by today."

I frowned at Poseidon over the rim of my hot cup of coffee. I was still in my sweats and a t-shirt, just having come down from dragging myself out of bed to find Poseidon eating a bowl of cereal and reading the newspaper. He pointed me to the coffee, which I gratefully accepted, then told me what he just said.

"Uh, who's Rachel?" I asked, my hands cupping the mug and warming my fingers. My messy bun on my head let a strand of hair fall out onto my face, and I pushed it impatiently back.

Poseidon's eyes came up off the paper, looking at me. "Did Percy not tell you his girlfriend was going to visit?"

"Oh, her," I said, recognition dawning on me. "He told me about her, but he didn't ever get to her name. When's she coming?"

"Probably about in an hour or so. And Annabeth?" I turned a raised eyebrow to him, waiting for him to finish. "Percy told her who you are. I think she'll be fine, don't worry."

"It's okay," I assured him. "I trust you guys to know who knows and everything."

He nodded. "Jason and Leo—they're two of Percy's friends—are coming too. They're completely trustworthy, we've known them since Percy was a just a little kid with a runaway temper and big baby cheeks. He was adorable."

A laugh was torn from me, ringing high as someone behind us said in an affronted tone, "I was not adorable. I was handsome."

I turned to see Percy walking up, settling into a seat beside me. He laid down on the counter, looking like he was trying to fall back asleep.

"Yeah, whatever, Perce. Think what you like," Poseidon said with small smirk.

Percy stuck his tongue out at his dad, who stuck his tongue out back, pulling a grin onto my face.

Percy's sweats hung low on his hips, and as he leaned onto the counter the back of his black shirt slid up to reveal a sliver of tanned skin. His ebony mess of hair floated every way possible. He smelled strangely like the ocean and fresh air and sleep. I didn't know if sleep had a scent, but if it did, it would be what Percy smelled like right then.

Waking up early and I didn't really get along—but if he managed to roll out of bed looking like this everyday before he headed out to do chores, he might make me wake up at first light just to see him.

I batted that ridiculous thought out of my mind, but not quick enough.

He noticed I was staring and said, "What? Imagining handsome little Percy?"

I pursed my lips, "No."

"Oh, I'm sorry—current handsome Percy."

"Gods, get over yourself," I said, swatting his shoulder before getting up to go get myself a bowl of cereal.

He chuckled behind me.

"Percy, Rachel should be here soon. She can't stay for too long, though."

Percy paused, turning to his dad. "Oh, yeah. I kinda forgot. Whoops. Are Jason and Leo coming too?"

When Poseidon nodded, Percy grabbed two spoons and brought them over to me. I thanked him, catching the milk that Poseidon slid over. When Percy poured his cereal, I saw that every single grain was blue.

My eyes narrowed. "How on earth did you manage to get all blue Trix?"

Percy smiled, saying, "Dad just pays the store a little more. Plus, here, everybody knows everybody. A lot of them know dad and I, and they like us enough to get us blue food."

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