four | ドアの束

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translation; a bunch of doors

late update :[



BASIL slowly connected the key to one of the doors and twisted it until it unlocked, hesitating when holding the door knob , but opened it carefully. This area was very weird to him, so he knew  what was hiding here would be weird too. To his surprise, it wasn't all dark and creepy as BLACK SPACE, instead it was a bright white room, which slightlg made him feel more at ease. As soon as he entered the room, the door slam shut which scared BASIL.

BASIL looked around the area, noticing that you wouldn't even see the walls properly since they blend in with the floor and celling perfectly. He just realised, why doesn't this room has shadows? As soon as he was wondering, a monochrome book fell right at the middle of the room. The flower boy had an urge to see what was inside, and he was quite happy to see the photos he took in the book, but there was something different in them.

Each of the photos were not the same colors as he knew, instead the person who seemed like OMORI was much more,, filled with color. His friends purple-ish hair was instead replaced with different colors, specifically black and brown. He also noticed the blonde hair on the kid that seemed to be himself. He truly was confused on why did he and his friends had different colors than the ones he knew, and now that he think about it their clothing were also different too.

He kept viewing the pages, being reminded of the memories and scenes. He felt as if he could see these scenes once again somehow, which gave him lots of happiness. BASIL feels HAPPY. He kept flipping through the pages, feeling cozy and warm with these memories, even though the photos had different colors. The poor boy thought this room was a nice one that would make him feel comfortable and nice, until he turned to a specific page. The room suddenly got all dark and gloomy, just like BLACK SPACE. Instead of feeling HAPPY, BASIL felt AFRAID instead, looking at the blank and ripped out pages. He noticed a page that wasn't broken and ripped so he went to that page, but it may have been his worst mistake.

He could see a photo of MARI's body, hanging from a jump rope. BASIL felt even more AFRAID. He always knew MARI as a happy friend, who always felt like an older sister to him. The cheerful and caring friend, into this lifeless, deppresing body? He truly wanted to stop looking at this page, and went to the next one. It was also a page that wasn't ripped, and nothing creepy like the photo he saw in the last page. Just a black key, which then he grabbed onto his hand.

The book began to dissapear quickly as soon as he touched the key, and the room dissolving back to BLACK SPACE. He was very sure that whatever stuff hidden in these other doors are definetly weird like the first one. He then went to the second door nearest to him, and slowly opened it. It was pitch black. Just as he thought, by the time he went in the door faded away and he was trapped in the pitch black room, but he noticed his vision fading into black, as if passing out.


BASIL woke up in something that looked like a sleeping bag, with other sleeping bags near him. He then saw his skin, which wasn't the normal purple-ish skin he knew. It was one of the same colors as the pictures in the first room. He then saw a TV which he looked into and saw that he looked just like the OMORI-lookalike. He noticed it was really,, dark and gloomy. He could tell something bad was happening, or happened. Even though he wanted to look around this new area, he felt as if he needed to walk to the room with the three doors. Being there, he saw a girl with pink hair and a bow that reminded him of AUBREY, a boy who looked like KEL, a man who looked like HERO, and a beautiful lady with brown hair.

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