=36 - Crayon Queen=

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* Bow down to the Crayon Queen

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

CQ put her shoes on, Geno excited running around. They wanted to go to their old house again, to have a final look around. She looked shortly nervously to Asy.

"It's gonna be fine CQ." Asy smiled gently at CQ, ruffling her hair a bit while Error hummed as he finished putting it on. 'Did I really left something back at home, Nighty?' Error thought to Nightmare, quite confused.

"I dunno. That's why you drive there again. To see if you all left something." Nightmare answered humming. "It can happen to everyone, you know?' 'Alright...' Error then grabbed ahold of CQ's shirt as they then walked down towards the garage.

CQ looked up at Asy and just nodded slowly, taking Geno in her arms, who giggled excitedly. "We'll take my car this time, CQ." Asy added, moving and opening the shot gun seat for CQ.

CQ blinked and looked at Asy, before nodding. "Uhm... Okay." She answered and let Geno down, who immediately began to bounce. The woman looked at Asy once again, before sitting into the car.

Asy then closed the door before opening the passenger door. "Geno, Error." Asy called and Error nodded, he then entered once Geno did so and then sat down, swinging his legs a bit before looking at front. Asy just closed the door and went to the driver's seat, getting in and adjusting himself. "Alright..." He muttered as he started the car.

CQ looked at Asy, before looking out of the window. Geno was just excited. Like always.

Asy then glanced at the family that he's gonna be carrying over to the old house and chuckled softly, ah, such adorable children... CQ included, of course. Asy then pulled his car back and off they went.

During the car ride, Error thinned his lips impatiently at a swirling thought that won't leave his mind. Geno and Asy wouldn't mind him asking the question... Eh, why the heck not. "Mama?" Error then got up to peak over the back cushion, glancing at CQ as he does so.

CQ perked up and hummed. "What's wrong, Ruru?" She asked and turned her head back. "Mama... I haf a question..." Error began. "'S been in my mind for a while."

CQ tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes. "What's your question, Sweetie?" The woman asked the black boned skeleton.

"Uhm... Ma, is your name Crayon Queen because you're the Queen of Crayons?" Error curiously asked and Asy quietly snorted before quickly shutting up.

CQ was clearly confused. "I- uh- what?" She answered and tilted her head. "Uh- why are you asking this...?"

"Because mama, you're Crayon Queen!" Error chirped while Asy chuckled softly. "Definitely the Queen of Crayons." Asy snickered softly.

Ah yes, CQ was a tomato again, as she tried to say something, but shut herself up every time. "I-" She began one more time, "Wh- what?" The woman hid her face in her pullover - again.

Asy glanced over before letting out a soft laugh at the reaction, CQ was a really adorable chile in his eyes. "So you're the Queen of Crayons then?" Error gasped in awe. "My crayons bow to you mama!"

Geno gasped. "Yes! Mama is a queen! Mama is a very beautiful queen!" He cheered happily. Da smol choild then gasped. "Does that mean we're the princes of crayon?"

"Yes we definitely are!" Error exclaimed excitedly as he then quickly sat down. "We are princes! Wait wait- would you be the Red prince then? Cuz we're like- like- like... Color crayons!" Error gasped.

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