=14 - School Recognition=

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* Mmm yep, I'm gonna stop with this before story notes XD

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It was the next day and certainly weird. As soon as Error was to be seen, children began whispering to each other, staring at the black boned child like he was a god. "Au revoir, Maman!" Ink's voice suddenly sounded, as the artistic child ran to Error. "Error!" He cheered.

Error blinked, turning to Ink and grumbling, but waving a bit. "Hey." 'Today seems... Different. And weird.'

"It does, huh?" Nightmare answered confused, while Ink grinned at Error. "Hey!" He cheered, not minding the children that were staring at Error.

Error was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable at the stares so he pulled his hood up, he misses his scarf since it could hide his mouth. "Let's go." Error then grabbed Ink by his sleeve and began to walk towards their class.

Ink nodded. "D'accord!" He cheered and followed Error, looking at the younger one humming. The whispering between the others got louder and louder, until a small boy spoke to Error. He wore yellow and blue clothing and was a white cat-monster with yellow eyes. "Uhm- uh- Excuse me?" He said shyly.

Error then blinked lightly, halting in his tracks. "What?" He asked in a small voice, his anxiety in being the center of attention going haywire and he hates it, he clung to Ink more. Even if the whispering may have died down, his anxiety didn't.

The small boy fiddled with his fingers. "Are you... are you the guy who won yesterday in every claw machine game?" He asked then nervously.

Error blinked lightly and slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah...?" He still doesn't get what's so special about that.

"Oh- uh-uhm..." The child nervously tugged on his clothing. "We-well- I- I think this is really cool!" He bursted then out. "And- Uhhh... con-congratulations, I guess? I dunno-"

Error just stared at the child in confusion now. "Do... Do you... N-Need anything?" Honestly, Error was just confused now.

The child shook his head in a quick motion. "Uh... no- I- I just wanted to say that- that it's cool... sorry..." The cat monster quickly vanished.

Error blinked before glancing at Ink in confusion before shrugging and pulling down on his hood more, rushing faster to the class while his glitching began to grow wilder, a sign that he shouldn't be touched without permission now basically.

Ink just followed Error, looking at him concerned. The artistic kid sighed and stood closer to his friend, in case something happens.

Soon enough. They reached their classroom and sat down. 'Nightymare you okay? You've been quiet.'

"Huh? Oh, uhhh... ye-yeah, I am alright. Uhm... Sorry kid, but I gotta go now. I have... something to do. See ya in a few hours." The guardian said.

'Oh, alright, have fun then Nightmare!' Error then hummed as he then pulled his books up, he wonders what's gotten Nightmare so stuttery as he hasn't done that before.

↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺

School was over and Error and Ink decided that it was time to go home. Students left and right were still whispering to each other, staring at the black boned child. Ink looked carefully around, not wanting that anyone upsets Error. Suddenly a girl rushed in front of him. "Hiii~!" She said and smiled at Ink. The artistic kid blinked and waved lightly. "Salut...?" He said slowly in confusion.

Error blinked before his eyesockets widened in recognition at who the girl was, clinging to Ink's sleeve more and then glancing at him with slight fear in his eyesockets. It was already clear that this girl gives Error many discomfort.

Ink blinked and looked at Error in confusion, his eyelights two questions marks. Slowly his eyes wandered to the girl. He seemed more careful now. The girl grinned at Ink. "Hello! I'm Karina! And what is your name?" She looked smiling at the white boned skeleton. Said French Toast blinked and looked once again at Error, before smiling and saying: "Je suis désolé, mais je ne parle pas anglais. Par conséquent, je ne vous comprends pas."

(I'm sorry, but I don't speak English. Therefore, I don't understand you.)

Error blinked, he only understood a few words and made out 'I don't english'. He knows full well Ink can, they literally teach him how to... But it was nice that Ink isn't actually showing off the fact to Karina... Even though he doesn't know why Ink's doing it. 

Karina blinked and looked at Ink in confusion, before her smile widened. "You are really beautiful, y'know? I like you! Can we be friends?" Ink looked now uncomfortable and leaned to Error, whispering to him: "Home time... please-" The artistic kid then looked at Karina, shrugging at her. The girl scooted closer to him. "We will be the best friends! I promise!"

Error then moved and intertwined his fingers around Ink's before tugging him along. "Allons-y." Error spoke in French and quickly began to drag him faster home, his grip on Ink tightening a bit, but never enough to the point of hurting, he can never hurt his friend on purpose.

Ink didn't look back, didn't see the venomous look the girl gave Error. He just quickly walked away with his friend. When they were far enough, Ink let out a relieved sigh. "Merci..." He said then.

Error however, just brought Ink close and hugged him tightly. He may have not seen the look, but he felt it. He just hoped that Karina would at least try to leave them alone next time. His glitches were going haywire and touching was starting to hurt a bit, but he didn't care. He just wanted to keep hugging Ink, knowing that he's safe for the day, away from that girl.

Ink blinked suprised, before hugging his friend back, rubbing over the younger one's back.

Eventually though, Error had calmed down, just in time as Comyet's car pulled up, she then rushed towards the two boys in worry. "Que s'est-il passé?"

(What happened?)

Ink looked up at his mother. "Maman!" He said happily, before telling the problem: "Je ne sais pas... Il y avait cette fille bizarre, qui s'appelait Karina? Et elle semblait... euhhh... mal à l'aise. Et je pense qu'elle a fait peur à Error."

(I don't know... There was this weird girl, named Karina? And she seemed... uhhh... uncomfortable. And I think she scared Error.)

"Je vois..." Comyet nodded before kneeling down carefully. "Error? Hey..." Error then looked up at Comyet, blinking lightly, still clinging to Ink. "How about we get you home, yeah? Me and Ink will stay until CQ arrives." Comyet smiled gently. "B-But-" "It's okay Error." Comyet spoke softly and Error shakily nodded, slowly pulling away from the hug.

(I see...)

Ink smiled at Error and went to his mother, hugging her slightly. He then looked at Error. "You okay?" The child asked carefully.

Error then fidgeted with his hood for a bit before nodding lightly, then Comyet let the two children to the car before going on the driver's seat, thinking for a bit. "How about bringing home some ice cream? Tu veux aussi de la glace, Inky?" Comyet smiled lightly.

(Do you want some ice cream too, Inky?)

Ink gasped at that. "Oui! Oui!" He cheered and smiled brightly. The child giggled slightly, squirming in his seat.

Error simply just nodded, Ice cream sounded good... Error then began to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself and his glitches down as Comyet started the car and began driving away.

Ink looked at Error and patted him slightly. 

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* On a roll babeh :)

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