This morning, the strange village of Cocux has been known to receive a curse? It began 9th of March when it began hailing stones in the local cemetery, then school's have been flooded and windows have mysteriously been smashed! More to this, the Woodburough Graveyard has had a shocking status as the 13th Grave in the what's known to be the spookiest area has yet been broken, and the body inside has disappeared. The letters beside the coffin read: I BURN.
And who is this body, you ask?
She follows the name ASTRID BURNZ.
Astrid Burnz
HorrorThis is my (hopefully) exciting retake on the story 'Carrie' and 'Frozen'! It's about a young girl called Astrid with the power to use fire - but she can't use it prep properly. Wow!