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Myla had left out in such a rush I couldn't be anything but happy for her especially with everything that's been going on.

Cam had left a little after Myla did she had to go help with her siblings while her mom was at work.

They brought Germ and Gia Back 3 hrs after and a lot of emergency calls asking would my babies be fine. Jesus knew I couldn't handle anything else. I was upset they didn't get to have a normal life just yet.

The doctors told us Gia may have to go under a minor surgery to place a port. It could be major but we was just at the early stages things could be worse. They both came out looking like they were gasping for air.

They bodies were so small Germ has inflammation in his digestive tract and Gia has meconium aspiration Syndrome that's when your newborn child breathes in a mixture of Meconium and amniotic fluid in their lungs while in delivery. She was my first born I was so scared it was harder than pushing Germani Out my blood pressure was through the roof with her.

Everyone was on they way I was at the hospital by my lonesome I kept flipping out on my midwife and the doctors coming in kept asking if I was going to have them alone not having no support made me very anxious.

Giving birth has to be so tiring I didn't think that I would be giving birth young but it was just so scary finding out being alone. I didn't have resources and I was scared of the system I didn't really know how to take care of my self but it was better than what my mother could offer she was probably doped Up in someone crack house right now.

If I stayed long enough I'm pretty sure she would've sold me off for a quick fix. I stayed worried about her and wondering where could she be. It's been 2 almost 3 years since I left. I was sad haven't heard from her or seen any amber alerts for me either which seemed even more crazier.

As my support system came, I just knew everything would be Ok I had to get over my past, as my new beginnings were blessing me faster than I would've thought. Despite the shit that's going on with my babies they're the best thing that could ever happened to me they're strong just like their mother I know things were going to be good and we all would be home together In no time.

It was me and Jossie at the hospital. Me and Myla were close but this girl was my roll dawg. A little secret between us we have a lot in common after all.

Some people can get away from their abuser or like me never see them again but it's worse when they come back as nightmares.

It was very disturbing but I couldn't do anything but be there for her she already knew my testimony I knew how it is when people aren't ready to fully put it in the past.

Words can't explain the feeling I had when they handed me my babies. Even with labor kicking my ass I went straight into mommy mode. Looking at the twins I knew I couldn't only be strong for myself but they needed me to be strong for them the most. Here I was a teen mom with two sick babies. Deep down I can scream, kick, cry, even hurt myself wishing both their pain could be mine. I couldn't win for losing. My babies were strong I know god has a plan for us we're just in the beginning watching it all unfold before our very own eyes.

Gianni pretty self laid on my chest comfortably while Germani moved around trying to reach for one of us to grab .(Gia on the left Germ on the right pic in media)

I could tell which one of them was going to be my clingy baby of course it was Mama's Baby boy Germ. He must've been looking for skin to skin cause soon as he put his arm around her he stopped squirming.

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