Fame's Shadow

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Nakyeon's POV

Putting my blazer on, I looked at the mirror and nod as I saw a handsome young man dressed nicely. I looked a lot like my dad... we both has sun-kissed skin and the same lip... and my eyes... wow, it's like my mom asked God to make a copy of her eyes.

Slinging my bag, I walk out of my bedroom and went to the kitchen where my mom's cooking breakfast. I peck her cheek, "morning mom!" I grinned.

She smiled and pat my head. I was about to sit but mom called me suddenly, "honey, can you wake your dad up? His manager called earlier and told me that he has practice" I nod at her request and went to their bedroom.

I went inside and saw that dad was sleeping with his mputh wide open. I sighed and went to him, I tap him a couple of times but there's no response. I start shaking his body, "dad, come on... wake up" I said. "Hmmffnnhfhnmmm..." he mumbled as his face is now burried on his pillow.

I grinned and decided to wake him another way. "아빠~~~ 일어나!!! 배~~~~고파요~~~~" [a/n: to whoever that have read my VIXX Scenario fic would probably understand this X")]

He suddenly jumped up, "OHMYGOSH YOU'RE NOISY!!" He exclaimed. I laughed, "morning dad~ mom has made breakfast and she was told that you have practice today"

He yawned and nod. He stood up and slung an arm around me as we eat breakfast together but soon, I have to leave for school.

Bidding goodbye to my parents, I ran to the parking lot of our apartment and took my bike out of my parking spot.

The 10 minutes ride from home to school ended as I park my bike on the available space.

Girls giggling everywhere as they saw me on the parking lot. I groaned because they basically annoy me with all that squealing and stuffs.

I went to my class and saw Taekjin already sitting on his place. I put my bag on the seat next to him, "oy!" I exclaimed while tapping his back.

Taekjin looked at me and smiled, "noisy brat" he muttered teasingly.

Class is about to start. As usual, I saw the girl that I like, Hyesu. She sat 2 rows in front and I'm seriously blushing.

Taekjin noticed my blush and then he kicked my legs, "stop staring at her, the back of her head will have holes!" He joked. I push his head, "shut up you little weirdo!" I joked.

Without us knowing, the guy that sat behind us heard our conversation and he caught me looking at Hyesu.

After 4 period, recess came. Both me and Taekjin brought our lunch from home so we eat in the class.

"Oy Nakyeon!" Someone called.

I turned my head and saw Hyunsik with his friends *cough*gang*cough*. He's not a good kid but he's not that bad, a playboy though.

I rolled my eyes before facing him, "what is it Hyunsik?" He suddenly leaned to my table and whispered, "I heard you're having the hots for Hyesu there" he said.

Silently thanking my acting lessons, I put on a confused expression, "and where did you hear that?" He shrugged, "a reliable source" he simply said.

I sighed, "look man, whoever this... 'reliable source' of yours... I think that he/she is mistaken..." I said. He crossed his arms and a smug smirk showed on his face, "so, you're calling me a liar?" "No, I'm not calling YOU a liar nor that reliable source of yours, I'm simply saying that it's not true"

He scoffed and walk away with his friends.

"Seriously... Ugh..." I groaned. Taekjin chuckled, "told ya man, it could be dangerous~" he teased.

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