When I Grow Up

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Taekjin's POV

Winter break... the perfect time to be lazy and stupid while drinking hot coco with marshmallows until you're fat like a hippo.

Laying down on my bed, it's still morning so I decided that being lazy is the best thing to do. I almost fell asleep again, but suddenly dad came barging in and flip my body. LITERALLY.

What's with him!? He's mean to the person he loves... well, except for mom..

"Come on lazy bum, you're coming with me to buy groceries!" He said. I looked up at him and scowled, "why don't you ask mom to accompany you?" "Mom is in Europe"

Oh yeah... mom's fashion show.

I groaned and put my sweater on. I looked back at dad, "come on dad, let's go" he grinned and slung an arm around my shoulder, "we look like twins" he said.

I jokingly scoff, "excuse me dad, but I look young!" He then show me his death glare and a hard smack on the back of my head as he grinned, "you ungrateful kid, your dad is still young!" "Yeah dad, 40-something is young" I joked.

He just laughed as we both walk to the front door and we wore our coats, snow boots and took our wallets then we head out together.

We walk to the nearest market.
While we look around, a large amount of crowd suddenly start tailing on us. I looked behind and blushed, no matter how many times dad has brought me to public events, I still get nervous around a large amount of peoples.

Dad noticed me and he laughed, "shy again Taekjin?" I only answered with a groan as I cover my face with the sleeves of my sweater.

Suddenly I heard whisperings and squealings and some 'oh my gosh!!' 'He's cute darn it!' 'He's like Leo!!'

"Dad... can we go home now??" I begged. Dad chuckled but nod.

Trying to push pass the sea of humans, we finally made it out as we hurried to go back home

Running to the apartment's elevator, we made it before it closes.

Absentmindedly, I hummed the song that I recently arranged with Wonbin. I like arranging tunes, some has been used secretly without dad knowing anything for his group's comeback. Well, after a few correction from uncle Ravi of course. But thank God he decided to help me keeping it a secret.

The reason I'm keeping this a secret from my parents is because dad have high hopes in me on being a singer like him while mom, knowing I have a great fashion sense, she hoped for me to be her co-assistant.

It's not that I hated it... but...

That's not my MAIN passion... I'm more of a 'hey listen to my song' rather than 'hey, hear me sing' or 'hey check out my new design!'

Suddenly I was snapped out of my fantasy by dad who was clapping his hands in front of me, "Taekjin, you ok? You've been spacing out... and what's the song you've been humming? Sounds good!

I gulped, "u-uh... it's... uhm... Wonbin's!! Yeah, Wonbin and uncle Ravi arranged it while I uhh... make the lyrics!! Yeah..." at first, he raised an eyebrpw at me, not sure if I'm telling him the truth or not. But he shrugged it away with a smile, "wow, improving much huh Taekjin?"

I could only reply him with a smile.

Getting inside the apartment, I put the ingredients on the counter, "go and do whatever you want, I'll prepare lunch for us" he said with a smile. Seems like knowing his son could make lyrics really put him in a great mood.

I nod and went to my room and as soon as I plopped on my bed,
the first thing I did was checking ky e-mails. And then I saw a new notification from Wonbin.

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