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(Tommy and Deo always had a close relationship and Deo decided to fly over to Tommy's house)

Tommy had just ended a stream and was insanely tired, Tommy was gonna go to sleep because it was 2:00AM, then he heard the sound of someone calling him from Discord. He went to see who it was and.. it was Deo! Now, Tommy hasn't talked to Deo in a long time so Tommy thought it would be nice to talk to him again. He picked up the call and Deo shouted a very loud "HI TOMMY!" Now Tommy got a little startled from it. But Tommy just simply replied with "Hi Deo..!" Tommy responded tiredly. "So whatcha doingg?" Deo replied, "Nothing much I was about to go to sleep until you called." Deo chuckled. "Oh well before you go to sleep i just wanted to surprise you by telling you something." "What is it?' Tommy said confused. "Well, I bought a ticket to the UK so I can go and see you!" Tommy just sat there wondering what to say. "Oh well when are you gonna be here?"  "I'll be there on Thursday!" Deo responded with. Tommy thought to himself and said 'Wait.. THATS IN 2 DAYS!' Tommy said to Deo "Wait really?!, what time will you get to the airport?" Deo said "Oh probably at like 5:30ish PM." Tommy yawned and said "Alright! Well imma head to bed now i'll see you later!" "Bye Toms!" "Bye Deo!" And there Tommy was sitting in his bed trying to fall asleep while sitting there for 30 minutes he finally fell asleep.

(The day tommy would finally meet Deo)

(Deo's POV)
It was about 8:00AM and my flight took off in 30 minutes so I had to hurry.
(At the airport)  It was finally time to meet the boy he's been wanting to see for a long time.

(Time skip bc im lazy😔)
He finally made it. Now he just has to text Tommy where he is.
Hey Tommy i'm in the UK now and i was wondering where your house in at?
Tommyinnit is typing..
Oh yea! My house is at **** **** **
Alright thanks Toms cya there!
Mhm cya
Deo went to go find Tommy's house now.
(Another time skip sorry😭)
Deo finally made it. He went to knock he heard someone walking and there he was!

(Tommys POV)
Tommy heard someone knocking and instantly knew who it was. He went to open the door and there he was! His bestfriend Deo! Tommy was super excited to finally see his bestfriend! Now that Deo was there they had nothing to really do. So, they decided to play Minecraft because why not?
(Time skip number 3😢)
It was already 8:00PM so they have been playing for a while so Deo suggested to watch a scary movie and Tommy agreed they both loved scary movies anyways. The movie has been going for a straight 30 minutes now. Tommy and Deo were both starting to get tired and they had plan's tomorrow. Tommy was trying to stay awake and Deo was also struggling. They both just laughed about 5 minutes later there they are laying on the couch together asleep Tommy's face was in the crook of Deo's arm. And Deo was spooning Tommy.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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