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Zayn! Zayn!" I yelled as I ran into his bedroom, "Look at what I got!!"

I basically threw myself on top of him, shoving my letter into his face.

"Okay, okay. Chill a little Lark, what's all this about?" Zayn asked me.

Without saying anything, I handed him my letter of acceptance.

Zayn took the letter and read aloud, "Dear Ms. Malarkey Malik, we are so excited to welcome to you into our school. You will be joining our other first year students at the orientation at the end of the month. Somebody will be at your house, ready to pick you up in the next couple of days. The first two weeks before the orientation will be for you to get a feel of what it’s going to be like to live here at Hogwarts. Hanging out at the recreation center, chilling in your dorm, playing fun games of quidditch, and most importantly figuring out what classes you would like to take part in this 2013 school year."

Zayn looked over at me with the biggest smile on his face, "Larkey I’m so exited for you! You'll be going to school with me and learning how to play quidditch!"

I laughed at that part, "quidditch Zayn? Really? You know how uncoordinated I am!"

"That's true," Zayn laughed, "Hey! Remember that one time when we were playing racquetball and you were running to second base, and you completely tripped over nothing loosing the entire game!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. No need to mention that again, that was SUPER embarrassing," I said as my palm found its way to my face.



As I rush down the stairs, luggage in both hands, I hear a loud horn honking from outside my house. It can really own mean one thing, I mean who else would come to our house?        

    “Coming!” I yelled as I swung the door open. Instead of seeing an all black professional car, there was a medium sized motorcycle with a much younger man than I expected there to be.

            “Ms. Malik? Ms. Malarkey Malik?” he asked me, his voice sounding a little like a girls, but to deep to be.

            “Yes, Mr…?”

            “Call me Louis,” he said smiling, it was a bit crooked, “how can you be Zayns sister?”

            “I’m actually adopted, “ I stated, then quickly changed the subject, “Why did they send you, and why are you on a motorcycle?”

            “Ahh, you’re to pretty to be Zayns sister anyways,” he spoke as be brushed slowly pass me.

            He came up behind me and stopped, putting his lips near my ears and his hands on the tips of my hair, “Although, he does get a lot of—well you get my point,” he chuckled quietly.

            “You didn’t answer the question,” I snapped at him, turning around.

            “You better watch your tone with me,” he said angrily as he clutched my wrist in his hand.

            I shuddered at his touch, I couldn’t describe the feeling but it was cold. Suddenly my brother came into view, “Hey! Get your hands off of my sister!”

            Louis let go and swung around to face Zayn, “Hey man!”

            Zayn’s mouth swooped into a smile that stretched from ear to ear, “Louis! It’s been forever!”

            Louis laughed and hugged my brother, “Only a summer. My aunts been keeping me around to help her out with the new rooming situation at Hogwarts.”

            “Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that! I actually applied for a room a couple weeks ago.”

            “What’s the new room situation?” I asked, clearly forgotten since they gave me confused expressions as to why I was still standing there.

            Louis spoke up, “My aunts finally letting the upper class men share an apartment with another. Oh! And to answer your questions, my aunt sent me here because I wanted to see Zayn and the motorcycle has been a part of Hogwarts for decades.”

            “Thanks,” I replied and turned towards my stuff, gathering it in my hands and carrying it to the cycle.

            “Leaving without a hug?” I heard my brothers amused voice ring from behind me.

            I turned around to face him, a confused look plastered on  my face, “You’re not coming?”

            “Do you really think I’ll fit on that motorcycle?” he laughed, “Nah, I was going to test out my broom by riding it there. I guess it will also test my sense of direction because I have no idea how to get there!”

            Louis started laughing and hit Zayn on the back; “We’ll see you there. You might actually beat us, we still have to stop and get her supplies.”

            “But I’ve already gotten my uniform?” I half stated, half asked.

            “Your uniforms only one third of it, you still have to get your wand, cauldron, phials, pet, books, and most importantly did you already figure out your house?”

            “Yes I did, I received an owl just today and it told me that I would be apart of Slytherian.”

            “Looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time together then eh?” Louis winked.

            “Hey now, it would be weird if my best friend and my sister hooked up!” Zayn laughed.

            “Yeah, not going to happen,” I turned to walk back to the cycle, plopping myself, the farthest towards the back.

            “We’ll see about that,” Louis whispered and then said goodbye to my brother.          He came over to strap me in, making sure everything was in the right place. I swear, he couldn’t have gotten any closer when trying to make sure the buckle was tightened over my waist enough. Pffftt. Pig.




Hello everybody! Malarkey here! This is the first ever chapter in Blaizes' and I's story Inferno. Blaize and I will be alternating chapters -- So Malarkey and Liam chapters will be written by me and Blaizathyst and Zayn chapters will be written by her! 





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