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"Can we sit together?" I asked my brother just before we boarded the train. 

"Can't, you have to sit with the first years," and with that he was off in the other direction.

I sighed and made my way towards the first year compartment of the train. So far, every room I've looked in, they're all full. So I push to the back, hoping to find an open room.

I do, in fact, find a room, with only one other girl sitting inside it. 

"May I?" I ask her.

All she did was smile and nod. 

"I'm Malarkey," I introduce myself taking her hand, "Malarkey Malik."

"Megan Cornett," she paused, "are you by any chance related to Zayn Malik?"

"Sure am! He's my brother."

At this, she perked up, "are you serious? he is like the most popular male at Hogwarts! And he's only a second year!"

"Really? I didn't know my brother was that well known?"

"Well, they usually do polls about who is the most popular in the different houses, at least that's what my sister said. Anyways, for Slytherian, the most popular boys are Zayn, Louis, and Malcom. For Gryffyndor, it's Harry, John, and Liam. For Huffelpuff, it's- well no one is really popular in Huffelpuff. And in Ravenclaw, it's Kyle, Andy, and Daniel."

"Did you say Liam?" my heart fluttered at the mention of his name.

"Yeah, Liam Payne. Why?" she asked me.

"Oh, no reason. Do- Do you know if he has a girlfriend?"

She started smiling, "You like Liam, you like Liam!"

"Do not!" I laughed.

"HAHA, Well he hasn't even took interest into a girl since hes gotten here, some people think he's gay."

"I was just wondering because he bought me a cat yesterday and we went on a walk in Diagon Alley."

"You went on a walk with Liam Payne?"

"Is that so shocking?" I laughed.

"Oh no! Its just, like I said, he hasnt really took interest since he's gotten here. I guess he just hasnt found the right girl!"

I smiled at the thought, I really hope I can be that right girl. I don't know what it is with me, from the first time I ever laid eyes on him, I was head over heals.

I was torn out of my fantasy when Megan interrupted, "have you found your roommate yet?"

"No," I smiled, "have you?"

"Nope! Would you want to room with me? I mean, I'm probably better than a random nutcase!"

"I dont know, I'm pretty weird myself, or so I've been told."

"Eh, I think I can handle your weirdness!"

I started laughing, "Sure, I would LOVE to room with you!"

The rest of the train ride consisted of Megan and I having boy converstations and filling each other in on our backgrounds and such, but before we knew it, we were pulling up to Hogwarts.


"First years, follow me please," Ms. McGonagal said. 

All of us first years followed her order and she lead us to these two huge doors, which I assume leads to the great room. 

As soon as she motioned the doors open, my eyes filled with life. There were kids testing their wands, and just plain chatting it up. 

"Attention! Everybody please take your seats," at the request of Ms. McGonagal, everybody did as they were told. 

She started to lead us down narrow path towards the front of the room, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Louis, with a mysterious smile spread upon his face. I shuddered and looked the other way, finding Liam smiling and waving at me. 

I smiled back and felt the sharp pain of Megans elbow go into my side, giving her a glare. Before I knew it, we were soon being sorted into the different houses. Us, first years, already know which house we're going to be in, but for everyone elses sake, we have to introduce ourselves and go sit with our house. 

"Hello, my names Amy Adams and I am in Huffelpuff," everyone from the Huffelpuff house soon roared in applause.


"Hello, my names Megan Cornett and I am in Slytherian."


"Hello, my names ......."


"Hello, my names Malarkey and I am in Slytherian."



HELLO EVERYBODY! Malarkey here! Sorry if the chapter sucked, but more will come! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, AND FAVORITE!! 

Im going to do the same thing as Blaize, Question of the day:

Would you rather swim with pirannas or sharks? Why? Ill pick the best answer and you will be dedicated in my next chapter and a polyvore outfit made with the boy of your choice! :D

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