Chapter 23

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I run to the rooftop, ignoring my surroundings and when I get there I sit down on the floor. I pull my legs towards my chest and place my face on them.

I'm afraid...I don't want it to happen again. Everything is repeating itself and I don't want it to happen...

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid.

I feel something warm around me, I look up and turn around to see Jisoo with a soft smile on her face.

"Are you okay, princess?" she asks in a soft voice

"Y-yeah" I stutter out, but she frowns

"I don't think you are..." she tells me and removes her arms from around me.

"I'm okay" I lie

"Are you sure?" She asks


"Let me just give you one more hug" she says and wraps her arms around me again, but this time tighter.

"I really do hope you're okay. You know you can talk to me" she whispers in my ear and I feel comforted by her soft, calming voice and warm arms around me.

So much has happened in a little amount of time. I don't know what to expect anymore.

"I wanna go home" I mumble and she turns to look at me, so I turn to look at her too

My heart speeds up when I notice the almost, non-existent distance between us.

"Okay. I'll take you home" she says in a soothing voice

"Really?" I ask her and she nods

She stands up and I immediately miss the warmth of her touch. She walks and crouches in front of me.

"Get on" she commands

"Yah~ This is stupid" I complain

"I don't care. Get on" she insists

"I can walk there" I say and stand up, but as soon as I stand up, she walks backwards and forces me to get on her back.

"Yahh!" I shout at her

"Let's goooo!" She excitedly yells and walks inside the school

"Put me down!" I shout again

"Shhhh, you're being too loud, princess" she shushes me and I feel heat rising to my face

Out of context...that sounds really weird

She carefully walks downstairs and out the school, ignoring the few people who saw us.

"Let me go!" I whine, regaining my composure

"Don't complain. I know you like getting piggyback rides" she says and we walk out the school gate.

"I don't!"

"Well, now you do"

"You're annoying"

"Thank you, princess"


Comfortable silence fills the air and I close my eyes for a second, then everything goes dark.


I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a white ceiling. I sit up to look around and I recognize my room.

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