Chapter 36

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"Look what you did! Now I won't be able to make out with the hottest girl in school" Minnie complains and leaves

"Good. Cause she's my girl!" I shout at her

"Tsk, since when is she your girl?" Jennie asks, coming in the restroom

"Great, another bitch who doesn't know her place" I roll my eyes

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Jisoo ignoring you really took your brain cells or something, right?" Jennie says and looks at me with dislike

I look at her with confusion.

"Acting like she's your girl or something. She's not. Why do you think she's ignoring you? Because she got tired of you and your stupid actions. You know your place, bitch" Jennie says and leaves the restroom.

What?...Did she just-?...Is it...true?

I sigh and walk out the restroom. I walk to the outdoor eating area and I sit on an empty table. My mind starts thinking about what Jennie said.

Did Jisoo really start ignoring me because she's tired of me?... I bored her with my problems and I made her think I was embarrassed of her. No...please don't be true. I...

Isn't this what you wanted Park Chaeyoung? For Jisoo to finally leave you alone?

Well yes, but...I...I miss her.

Ah, you wimp. You're not supposed to miss her. What happened to the girl that ruled the whole school? She's not supposed to have someone above her league, someone who affects her that much.

Shut the fuck up. I admit it! Kim Jisoo is above my league. She commands me. There's just something about makes me weak.

You developed feelings for her.

No, I didn't.

Keep denying it. I'm your inner-self and you know you like Jisoo.

No! I don't like her. I just admire her.

"Uhhh, what are you doing here?" I hear a voice that isn't me or my inner-self.

"Sooyoooooung-aaaaa" I call her name and stand up to start approaching her

"Nope" she says, holding her index finger in front of me, and I stop walking towards her

"Whyyy?" I whine

"I'm dating Wendy now" she smiles and I can see her blushing

"Whaaaaat?? Since when?" I ask her

"Yesterday." She answers

"Aah! And I can't even hug you?"

"Nope. Knowing you, you'll probably start making out with me"

"I won'ttttt! Just one hug! Pleaseee" I whine

"Why are you being so whiny today?" She asks, rolling her eyes

I pout, ignoring her question.

"Eww, don't. Don't do that. Fineee, one hug" she says and spreads her arms

"Yaaaaaaay" I exclaim and hug her, she wraps her arms around me and pats my back

"Alright alright, that's enough" she says and we break the hug.

I walk to sit back down and she sits across from me.

"Aren't you going on a date with J.Seph tonight?" she asks me

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