Chapter two: The Second Generation of Black sisters

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"September 30th, 1991"

The black sisters all walked to Knockturn alley, one was Confident, one was brave enough to go under there, and one was also confident. Danica had long Black straight hair that reached her hips, Selene Had blonde Wavy hair which went down to her Stomach, and Rosalind had Brown Short Hair. They all arrived to the Wand shop.

"Excuse me, Can I please have Three wands please?". Selene asked, making Danica roll her eyes. The Man walked around the dusty Bookshelf and then he came across the Cores and other ingredients and walked towards the three.

"We have a strict Pureblood Policy here, Miss". The Man said to the three. Danica said"well, we are the Black Sisters. Danica Black, Selene Black and Rosalind Black". The man was shocked and said"well, Miss Black, It seems that you three have Passed the Pureblood Policy test now Please choose your core".

Danica went first. She took out her Left hand and raised her hand over the cores and then one of the cores went into her hands. Turns out, That the core was Dragon Heartstring. Then Danica went with the Ingredients. She got Walnut. And her wand was 12 and 3/4's long.

"Curious...very Curious". The Man said, quietly. "Sorry, but what's curious?". Danica said. "Well, It looks like your aunt's wand came into your hands, Danica". The man said,happily. Danica Rolled her eyes at this.

"Well, I am a black". Danica said sarcastically,making Selene and Rosalind Laugh. The man went into the room and 3 seconds later came out with the wand. Danica said"thank you". The other two seemingly got the other two Black sisters wands Aswell. Selene got Their Aunt Narcissa's and Rosalind got Andromeda's, nobody wanted to talk about Andromeda because she was disowned years ago.

Danica looked at her sisters. "Rosa, does this mean you'll turn into Andomeda". Danica said, sadly. "I don't know, Danica. All I know is that Father and Mother are going to Scream at me because I have Andromeda's wand". Rosalind admitted.

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