
17 2 1

Time skip of 4 months

It's 1:38am on October third.
Kurapika was outside on the front porch listing to music with his headphones on, waiting for leorio to get back home from work.
He hated that leorio worked nightsshifts because he could never fall asleep without leorio next to him.

Leorio pulls into the driveway, kurpaika runs to the car as leorio gets out and hugs him tighter than ever.
L• "wow you ok, love?"
K• "I had another nightmare"
L• "I'm sorry, would you like me to make you some food, hun?"
K• "aren't you tired?"
L• "nope. probably won't fall asleep for a few hours"
K• "can you make me grilled cheese please?"
L• "of course my love! Let's go back inside"
K• "ok"

Leorio was making kurpaika grilled cheese and kurapika was sitting at the table watchibg him
L• "do you need soemting love? Why are you staring at me?"
K• "you're just so cute"
Leorio hid his face from blushing.

Leorio and kurapika were cuddling in bed, the silence filled the air and all That could be heard  was the two men breathing in sink.
Kurapika slowly fell asleep while cuddling his partner

Kurapika was chained up in a dark room. Cob webs everywhere and darkness is all that coukd be seen.
He heard screaming and crying from  outside that sounded like his family.
Kurapika wiggled around attempting to loosen the chains and break free.
A girl with pink hair in a ponytail comes into the room~

(Authors note)
So I'm a dumb ass and I couldn't figure out how to change the text back to normal so you're gonna be stuck reading this in a weird font like this. Sorry!

Leorio was reading a book while Kurapika was sleeping, but as he goes to flip the page
Kurapika bolts up awakening from his nightmare about his past.
L• "wow wow are you ok Kurapika?!"
Leorio said shooting up to comfort Kurapika.
K• "I'm sorry, I had a nightmare about my past."
L• "would you like to talk about it,
K• "no... no not really.."
L• " would you like to cuddle instead?"
K• "yes please.."
Kurapika snuggles up next to Leorio.

K• "hey leorio.."
L• "yes, love?"
K• "are you tired at all..?"
L• "nah I'm not normally tired after work. Why do you ask"
Kurapika gets up and sits on leorios lap and whisper in his ear
K• "I wanna do it.."

To be continued..

If any of my friends or my gf reads this next chapter I'm so sorry please forgive me 😭🤚🏼

ALSOOO I noticed that some people were skipping my one chapter then going to the next😾
The sixth part I believe that I posted got 3 reads then the next chapter got 9🤨
Y'all ain't gonna understand shit that's going on if you keep doing that😭🤚🏼

(Edit) ok so I made a different story called "tell me u love me" because I hated how this one turned out

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