"Let's do this!"

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You turned around at the call of your name. Kaminari running towards you at the front of the school.

"So, did you apply for U.A.?" he asked, with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah! What about you? Hope I'm not the only one." you smirked while removing your shoes.

"Hey! I said we'll do it together! I wouldn't abandon you! Plus, I also want to go to U.A.!" he pouted.

"I'm just joking. C'mon, we'll be late for class." you giggled.

You both walked to your respective classes and waited for the bell to ring. Classes are either too boring or too long. Sometimes both if you're unlucky.

Once the bell rung once again, you and your classmates headed towards the lunch room. You spotted your best friend in the crowd and made your way over towards him.

"Kaminari! Wanna sit together?" you smiled down at him.

"Sure! Let's get our lunches, though." he grinned.

You both talked while waiting in line. Soon you both got your lunches and were talking about strategies on how to defeat the robots at the entrance exam.

"You could use your Quirk to mess with the robots if you use enough electricity and make them malfunction!" you said between bites.

"Hm. And you could probably cut the robot's head with your Quirk!" he quickly added before drowning his drink.

"I don't think I can do that, but ill take it as a learning experience!" you quickly wrote down the ideas you both came up with. Soon you both had to go back to class and quickly said bye.

The end of the day soon came by and school was now over. Except for the ones with cram school. You waited at the front for Kaminari when you came across a live video of a villain attack.

You were watching it peacefully when you felt a head land on your shoulder. You only knew one person who always did that. You turn your head to face Kaminari and starred till he finally got off.

"So, ready to go?" you turned off your phone and smiled.

"Yup! Wanna get some food? I know a place where they make good drinks and coffee. They even have cats!" he grinned.

"Let's go then!" you both walked toward the area where this place was located.

You both entered what looked to be a cafe with cats everywhere. You cooed at them and then made your way to the counter.

"Hello! Welcome to [猫琲], what can I get for you?" the cashier smiled and bowed. You and Kaminari bowed back.

"Can I get a [F/D] and two [F/F] mochi?" you turned to Kaminari and waited.

"And can I have a coffee with a small matcha cake?" he smiled.

"Sure." they soon left and you both walked to a free table. Soon a few cats walked toward you both and laid in your blueish white hair.

"So, you need any help with your homework?" you smirked.

"You know I do..." he sulked.

You both spent at least over an hour there helping him. Within that hour, the order you both got came.

Soon it was time to go since it was starting to get dark. You both said your byes and walked in opposite directions. While he headed to his home, you headed toward your foster parent's house.

Your biological parents died a couple of years after your older brother's death and you were moved to the orphanage near the junior high you now presently go to.

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