Chapter 20 - It's time for a change

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Chapter 20

Marley POV

As I walked through the mall entrance and towards the place we had agreed to meet, Abigail came bounding over, wrapped me in a hug and squeezed hard. "It's about time we went shopping together again," she squeaked as she took my hand and dragged me towards the first clothing shop she could see. No-one would know she was my older sister by the way she acted. Three years older than me, married with two adorable sons, she was a bubbly, excitable bundle of energy and I adored her.

We'd fought a little growing up but not badly considering we shared a room until she moved out of home. My favourite memories were when we started to share clothes and swap stories about boys we liked, we were best friends now and she was my confidante.

"I've been a little uninspired to shop this past year," I replied and she patted my arm, acknowledging my loss but not dwelling on it. Somehow, since Matty had died, she knew just the right way of allowing me my feelings but comforting me at the same time.

"So, there must be something, or someone, that is inspiring you to go shopping now?" she asked as she pulled four tops from a rack and handed them to me. I took them from her, half heartedly hanging them over my arm. She loved to shop and I usually didn't mind it, somehow this felt daunting though. I had only told her that I was going on a trip and I needed clothes for it. She hadn't asked many questions on the phone, happy to hang out. I think she was waiting for me to download in person the reason for it all.

"So which is it? Something or someone we're shopping for?"

I followed her over to the jeans as I answered. "Both I guess. I'm going over to Australia for a few days, Mum is looking after Sophia."

"Is it a work trip or...," she probed, holding up a pair of jeans then putting them back and reaching for another. "This one and these two colours," she advised, handing those to me as well.

"Umm...," I cleared my throat. "I am meeting someone over there so not a work trip for me."

"Marley!" she exclaimed loudly and people turned to stare before I shushed her and dragged her to a quieter part of the shop.

"You have to try and remain calm, " I said as I took her hand to hold her still.

"OK, curious," she replied, placing her remaining hand on her hip.

"So, I was at a park a few weeks ago and I met a guy. He's really, really nice and we spent time together. He thinks Sophia is amazing and I'm flying over to spend time with him."

"Oh Marley, I'm so happy for you. But, he lives in Australia?" she asked with a frown.

"Not exactly."

"Not exactly? How can he not exactly live in Australia?"

"Well, he actually definitely doesn't live in Australia. It's complicated. He was here for work and then he's there for work."

"So, where is home for him then."

"South Korea," I said, twisting my lips together.

"Oh, oh, wow, that's a long way away. So long distance thing then? He must be amazing if you are wanting to get to know him and he lives so far away. What does this mean? If you get married would you move?" Her words were falling out of her mouth faster than I could keep up.

I laughed. "Slow down Abby, it's only a new thing and it's more complicated than all of that anyway. We haven't really spent much time together without Sophia around so it's kind of a testing ground trip I think."

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