Hiding From Myself

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Chapter One:

"I'm impressed. You've killed your own brother! I didn't even know you had it in you! Well, I guess you've proven that you really are one of us. You are just as criminal as me, and now you can't deny it! Face it Chris, you love the thrill of murder, you can't help but a devious grin at the thought of blood on your hands! Of course, you'd be delighted by blood for another reason! Oh, I crack myself up sometimes! What's wrong, Chris? Don't you find my joke to be...amusing? Don't you find your brother's murder to be amusing? I sure do, and I'm not even the one who killed him! You took care of that, didn't you, Chris?"

A villainous laugh escaped his thin, pale lips. I shivered at his expression. He almost seemed... Proud? Of me? I shivered again. My whole body trembling at the realization of what I'd just done. Of what he made me do!

"Chris! Chris Waller!" I was taken from my flashback, and I looked around me. The school bus was completely empty except for me and the driver, the very annoyed driver. I must've dozed off into my flashback. I shuddered once again, and got up. I grabbed my bag from next to me and smiled an apology to the driver as I left the bus. I looked at my watch and realized with dismay that I was already really late, not a great way to start off your first day of school!

I entered the building, and walked through the unfamiliar corridor towards where I hoped was the main office. A short frizzy-haired lady approached me.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Greenfeld, your new principal. It's so nice to meet you, Chris, is it?"


"Well Chris, why don't you go over to the front desk over there to get your schedule?"

I mumbled something incoherent and walked in the direction she was pointing to. "Chris Waller." I stated when I reached the desk, and waited impatiently as the red-haired nerd searched through her files. Finally, she retrieved my schedule and handed it to me along with a map of the school. "Thanks." she offered me a shy smile and I took off running ip the stairs.

Once I reached my locker, I put in the combo and popped it open. I stuffed my books inside and took a glance at my schedule. Accelerated Math. Oh, Goodie! Not. I groaned and put my textbook and a notebook in my bag. Then I grabbed a pencil and slammed my locker door closed. I looked at the schedule once more. Room 214. I looked at the map and nearly pulled my hair in frustration. As if I wasn't late enough already! The math room is all the way on the other side of the building!

I made a run for it and got there completely out of breath. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I braced myself and opened the door. It squeaked when it opened and I cringed. I stepped into the classroom with all eyes on me. My eyes roamed around the classroom, looking for a seat. Finally, I found one, towards the front of the room. I headed for my seat in silence. Well, at least the teacher didn't want me to introduce myself. I dropped my bag next to the seat and slumped down in my chair. The class resumed but students kept throwing me curious glances and whispering to their classmates.

"Page 128." I heard from next to me. I turned and saw the most beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. I shook myself from my trance.

"Excuse me?" I said, confused.

"We're on page 128." She said. I must've still looked dazed because she clarified:

"In the textbook."

"Oh. Right." I said, still amazed at her beauty. I slowly opened my textbook and started flipping to the page. Then stopped.

"Wait, what page again?"

She grinned a little, obviously amused, and repeated herself: "128."

"Right. Thanks." I replied, embarrassed.

I flipped to the page, opened my notebook, and completely zoned out for the rest of the period. I kept on casually looking her way, taking into account her long, chestnut hair, her big, blue eyes, her full, pink lips, her... Snap out of it Chris! You sound like a girl! I shook my head and started paying attention to the teacher. But five minutes later, and I was daydreaming about the girl sitting next to me, again.

Finally, the bell rang, and I headed for the door, not too excited for my next class, Chemistry. But then a thought crossed my mind. What if the cutie who sat next to me has Chemistry now, too? I quickly shoved that thought to the back of my mind. She can't be with me. I'm not good enough for her.

After all, what good girl deserves to be with a vampire?


Heyyyyyyyy!!!!! Im new here on Wattpad, so I'm totally open to any constructive critiscm!!!! I love comments, and I ALWAYS read them!!!!!! Btw, this chapter is dedicated to Michalamar cuz she's my BFFL, and she writes the BEST stories, so go check them out!!!! Remember, vote, comment, fan!!!!! Lol, luv you guys!!!!!!


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