CHAPTER 1: The Otome Game System

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("Author's Note: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner.")

("Author's Note")
Important details
"Flashback speaking"

Author P.O.V.

"Good afternoon Y/N-chan! How's school? The graduation exam is tomorrow, right? Are you confident?"

On Konoha Street, a beautiful aunt was talking to a girl who was walking in front of her shop.

Y/N, orphan, 12 years old, studying at Ninja Academy.

The talent is ordinary, the background is an orphan, even so she is beautiful so she is popular among the Konoha villagers.

But it was still Konoha's ordinary kid.

The Aunt who greeted her was her neighbor.

Y/N raised her head and looked at Aunt with a forced smile, "Hmm!"

And continue to walk again.

Go upstairs and take out the key to open the door.

Go home!

Throw the key on the table aside.

This small apartment is less than 20 square meters contains a single bed, a small wooden table, a comfort room, and a window.

In front of the window are washed white t-shirts.

Apart from that there is no other furniture.

This is the apartment Y/N was given after she left the orphanage.

She sat on the edge of the bed and slowly lay down.

She looked up at the ceiling while placing her arm on her forehead.

"Three days"

"It's been three days since that happened and I still can't believe it."

"Naruto, Ninja, Konoha, What would I do if I ended up in this world?"

Y/N raised her head and looked at her palm.

"Ordinary talent, orphan background. Even if I graduate as a ninja and have a pretty face, I'll still be a passerby!"

[DING! The System restarted successfully!]

The sudden sound made Y/N stunned.

She heard this sound three days ago when he came to this world.

But it seemed to have a problem at that time, and said something went wrong and needed to be restarted.

At that time, Y/N's mind was still confused because she had just woken up from another world so she thought it was just a hallucination.

But why did the system fail at that time?

[The Otome Game System has restarted and started to detect and scan the host.]

[Host: Y/N
Age: 12 years old
Appearance: 81
Temperament: 83
Sexiness: 60
Social Status: 56
Seduction Skill: 64
Intelligent: 85
Communication: 88
Charisma: 81
Talent: None
Points: 0

Ninja Status:

Chakra Nature: Water

Ninjutsu: Elementary Clone Technique(10/100), Elementary Substitute Technique(15/100), Elementary Transformation Technique(5/100)]

Otome Game System On Naruto(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now