CHAPTER 16: The Assassin of the Mist

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("Author's Note: Picture not mine. Credits to the owner.")

("Author's Note")
Important details
"Flashback speaking"

Author P.O.V.

Tazuna explained that the Land of Waves had been taken over by a shipping magnate called Gato.

Who had effectively bankrupted all the people of the country, and that the only way to revitalise the economy was by building a bridge to the mainland that could render moot Gatō's shipping monopoly.

However, Gatō did not want that to happen, and used shinobi gangs to assert his control.

That's why when Tazuna, a bridge builder, went to Konoha, Gato immediately tried to assassinate him.

"As stated in the mission, until the bridge is not finished yet, we will watch over you and give you protection." said of Kakashi.

Y/N looked at Gato and immediately checked the new system notification.

[Situation: When Gato is knocked down in the future, What will you do?

Choice#1: Kill Gato and his men and then leave his assets to the villagers of Land of Wave (Reward: 300 points and a random Fuinjutsu)

Choice#2: Don't kill Gato and then use him to get money (Reward: 300 points and Rasengan)

Choice#3: Kill Gato and then use his assets to create a business in the Land of Waves (Reward: 300 points and a random Dojutsu)

Rewards can only be obtained when the chosen choice is completed.]

Fuinjutsu or Sealing Technique is one of the techniques Y/N wants to acquire because it has the ability to seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object.

Also, this is what sealed the Nine Tails inside Naruto's body or to put it short, it can defeat a tailed beast.

While in the second choice, the rewards are not that important for Y/N because she will also learn rasengan in the future because of Naruto.

And the last one, a random dojutsu or the eye power like byakugan or sharingan.

So in the end, she chooses Choice#3.

"Naruto! What have you done?!" Sakura yelled at Naruto as she saw Naruto hit a bunny with a kunai.

Naruto immediately approached the bunny and apologized to it.

On the other hand, Kakashi immediately became alert because of the snow rabbit that Y/N also noticed right away.

'It's fur was white. Snow rabbits are only white during winter, meaning that this rabbit had been raised indoors and therefore belonged to someone nearby.' Kakashi said in his mind.

Y/N looked at Kakashi and then Kakashi also looked at her as if they both knew that an enemy had been following them.

"Everyone, get down!" Kakashi shouted when he heard the crackling sound.

A giant sword spun past them, nearly killing them all.

The sword embedded itself in a tree and a man jumped onto its handle.

"If it isn't the Rogue Ninja of the Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza." said of Kakashi.

Naruto immediately ran to approach and attack Zabuza but Kakashi stopped him and said seriously, "You're in the way. Get on the back, everyone."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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