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Finally Jian had came back from her walk. "I'm back!" She told chang mi.

"Sorry I took so long I got caught up with all the nice shops outside.  I went to buy a lot of pretty things, I got this pretty jade necklace for very cheap! I love it so much." She said smiling.

"It's very pretty, I'm glad you had fun Jian!" Chang mi told her best friend.

She looked at chang Mi who was slowly falling asleep after embroidering the dresses, "these dresses are so beautiful..Chang mi."

"Thanks the dresses are for tonight." She said a bit sleepily.

"Are the girls going to dance at the brothel tonight?" Jian asked.

"No actually it's a special night so they were ordered to go the palace to dance for the princess and the prince, so it has to be perfect. Though, they don't have enough girls so they invited us to dance with them.. so I made a dress for you as well." Chang Mi said rubbing her eyes.

" didn't even ask me if I'd be comfortable enough to go dance at the palace with you and the other girls. I thought since you knew my situation with the crowned prince and the palace that you'd understand I wouldn't do it."

" I do understand your situation and I was going to ask you.. but I made you a dress anyways because I still wanted to see you in a pretty dress, even if it wasn't for dancing..since you always wear simple clothing, i at least wanted to see you in this dress I made for you just once." Chang mi told her best friend.

"I really like the dress chang mi but I don't know if I should go back to the palace I was kicked out after all.." Jian said sadly.

" I know...but I even made these pretty vails which will hide our faces. So even if you did say yes..they wouldn't know our identity, it would be mysterious, we'd just be dancers..then after we can go home and go back to how it was." Chang mi told her.

" you made this so I could say yes didn't you?" Jian asked.

" maybe but I only did this because I felt bad since our master at the brothel had a hard time finding girls.. and she still doesn't  have enough girls, I really wanted to help her since she came to us for help.."

"it's her only chance, because if she can't find girls there will be trouble, since a decree was sent out for her..she can't disobey a royal order you know that. Otherwise she and the girls could be punished for declining the kings order."  Chang Mi explained to her.

" I understand that you wanna help our master fine I'll do it just for you just this once, but this is the only time I'm entering the palace, to help these girls." Jian told her.

Chang Mi was excited. "And one more thing I forgot to tell you, you'll be the main dancer that's why I made your dress the prettiest out of all of the girls here. You'll  be the center of attention, your good at dancing..and I know you'll look beautiful in this dress so it'll be perfect." She told her.

" I knew you were going to make me the main dancer, since I'm your best friend after all..but you should've at least given one of the other girls a chance.." Jian told her.

" are you only saying this because you don't want to be the main dancer?" Chang mi asked.

" well I agreed to help you and our master  but I never agreed to being the center of attention you know I hate that the most."

" I know but I can't help but give you the spotlight at least once. You deserve this chance. Besides since you're a good dancer and I know you're going to look beautiful in that dress, you will definitely be praised. royal grandmother will be there and she has a kind heart. I already know she'll love you, You'll definitely be praised by her." Chang mi told her.

"Thanks chang mi, your the bestest friend I could ever wish for..but now I'm super nervous..I must get the dance right. we'd better go practice with the girls we have to be perfect for tonight after all."  Jian told chang mi.

"I'm so tired let me have a little rest I'll be with you and the other girls soon." Chang mi told her.

"Fine get your rest I'll be waiting with the other girls for you." Jian told her.

Chang mi packed the dresses up first and put the accessories with them.

She then went to her room to take a little nap before she could wake up and practice with the other girls for tonight.

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