From shopping to suggestive comments

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Word count: 705

Last updated: 05-08-''22


'You're really fucking annoying today, you know that?' you moan after Brandon tugs on your sleeve for what felt like the millionth time today. He does not like shopping and he is trying to make it clear to you every second you're out. The reason you went out was for him to get some new shirts, since he really needed them, it was his own idea. But now that you're actually out in the mall he keeps bothering you every possibility he gets and is not even looking for clothes for himself, he is just pointing out things that he thinks look good on you. 'Am I?! Annoying?' Brandon acts fake shocked. You hit his shoulder and look away. 'You know you are. Go bother someone else,' you tell him before walking over to a different rack of shirts. 'There is no one else here that I know, and no one has as cute of a reaction as you do,' he tries to argue. You roll your eyes. 

'Fuck you.' You look around the rack and hold up a shirt you think looks good. Brandon smirks and leans against a rack opposite of where you're standing, 'Maybe later.' You slam the hanger back down on the rack and look over to your side. 'Brandon!' you nearly yell. 'You said it, not me. I'm innocent.... this time.' he winks at you. 'Just...' You let out a sigh, 'give me like five more minutes to look at these dresses and then we can leave.' Brandon lets out a very sarcastic long sigh before saying, 'What is five more minutes after  a whole afternoon of shopping.' He dramatically sits down on a chair a few feet to his side. He lets out another whiny moan and rolls his head back. 'Hurry, I am dying.' You roll your eyes and shake your head. 

'This dress is pretty cute, actually,' you hear him say a little while later. You look around to see him standing a few feet away from you, looking at some sundresses. You walk over to see what he is looking at, and you have to admit, the dresses do look very cute. 'Would look even better without any panties underneath,' you suddenly hear him whisper into your ear. Without you really noticing he walked up beside you, his face right next to your ear. 'B, shut up, please,' you manage to say, but you know your cheeks are starting to turn red. You feel your face getting warm and do your best to turn away from him, not wanting him to see. 'Oh, look at you saying please. Trained you so well,' you hear behind you, and you just know he is smirking. He does not even have to see your face to know that you are flustered. 'You didn't train shit. Shut up, or I'm not buying you ice cream,' you try to bribe him to not get you any more flustered. You can't say you want to walk around the rest of the mall with a bright red face. 

'I know a way you can shut me up,' Brandon says and walks up to you, not letting you out of his sight. 'Shoving ice cream in your mouth? Great idea!' you try, quickly making your way to the exit of the store, but you're not quick enough. He grabs your wrist, to stop you from leaving, and when he is close enough to you he switches to holding your hand instead. 'No getting away from me now, sweetheart. What I meant is that we could go home right now and I can be between those pretty thighs of yours for a while. I'm sure we'd both like that. That would make me shut up,' Brandon rambles, and you barely hear any of it. Your head starting to fill with thoughts. 'I-' you try to say something but Brandon quickly cuts you off. 'You think it is a good idea? Great, come on!' He speeds up his walk and basically drags you along, heading for the parking place. 'Fuck you,' you mutter out again, in a soft voice but he still heard. 

 'After I am done with you, I am sure that will happen to.'

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