Stop working, lets date

701 12 1

Word count: 1.240

Last updated: 4-09-0'22\

I honestly just wrote this quite quick after a long day and it's late. So, if the quality is bad, your problem. :)


'You really need to get away from that computer, you know,' Brandon tells you. He is standing behind you, since you have taken his desk chair to sit on. You have been at his house since yesterday afternoon, having spent the night there. But now you are glued to your computer, which, lucky you (and unlucky Brandon), remembered to bring along. You still had some work to do and since you'd be staying at Brandon's for quite a while, it was a good idea to bring it. 'I have work to do,' you tell him, not even bothering to look at him. He has been nagging you for a while now to get you to stop working, but to no avail. 'Congrats. There are better things than your 'work',' Brandon replies, in a very sarcastic tone. He sighs and sits down on the bed, behind you. 'Unlike you, some of us are actually in fucking college and need to finish assignments before the end of the week.' You roll your eyes but know Brandon can't see it. You look back at your screen with motivation found, wherever you can find it really. You really should be doing some work now, but it just isn't happening. You can't find the right words for what you have to write and you're getting frustrated. Yu can't tell or show Brandon, because if he picks up on those signs he will for sure drag you away from your computer and you will not get any work done at all. 

'End of the week, there you go,' Brandon states, 'It's, what? Tuesday, you still have quite some time to finish it. You have been behind this computer half the day. I want to take you out for a date.' He cocks his head to the side, waiting for your reply. Hoping you will give in and just stop working. But all his attempts have failed until now.  'Can take me out later. I just need to finish this essay now.' You delete the few words you have written and start your sentence again. Opening a different tab to look at the assignment again, to see if that will give you a good idea on what to write. 'Pretty sure you have been stuck on that sentence for nearly an hour now. Rewriting it half a million times and not getting any further.' you hear from behind you. You know he is right, but it bothers you that you can't figure out what to do. 'Because my wonderful, annoying boyfriend keeps distracting me every few seconds.' He is met with the same amount of sarcasm he just had. But instead of him getting annoyed he just laughs at you, rubbing a hand through your hair even though he knows it will just annoy you even more. 

'Am not distracting at all. Just trying to make sure you actually take care of yourself. I don't even know if you had anything to eat today. Did you?' he wonders. He tries to remember if he saw you leave the kitchen with some type of food, but he can not recall. 'I had a late breakfast, and some snacks you had laying around on your desk,' you mumble knowing it's not much. 'Ok, great, that's like... nothing. You better close that laptop within a minute or I am doing it for you.' He stands up to emphasize that he will do it. You see him move towards you in the corner of your eye, but do not make an attempt to look at him properly. If he wants to get you asway from your computer so bad, maybe he should put in a little more effort. 'You better not,' you tell him. 'I will, you know I will. Don't test me. Just listen for once.' His hands are placed on the desk beside you, he is now leaning over you, also staring at your empty screen. Having him stand so close to you does not help your already bad concentration. Now you can't focus at all anymore. 'I listen to you almost all the time. Now let me try and finish this.' You try and think of another sentence and start typing a few words, before you stop again. Forgetting what you even had to write about. You let out a small sigh, but Brandon hears it regardless. You hear him chuckle behind you as he watches you struggle. 

'Hate to break it to you, but if you haven't written anything useful by now, it might not happen today at all. So, take a break and try again tomorrow. We can go to a restaurant or something and then have a fun night after, I'll make sure to treat you really well.' He tries to bribe you, and it is working to. 'You will listen to me tonight then?' you try. Brandon takes his turn to let out a long, overdramatic sigh before answering. 'I'm gonna regret saying this, but yes.' 'You convinced me, I'll be ready in a few minutes!' you say and jump up from your chair, nearly hitting Brandon in the chin with your head. He is quick to react and moves backwards before anything bad can happen. 'You better be, cause I already called the restaurant, and we have to be there in half an hour,' he tells you, sitting back down on the bed. Only then do you realise that he is all dressed up in suit pants and a blouse. He looks really fucking good, even just sitting there. 'You already called them?' you wonder. You raise your eyebrows and cock your head to the side. 'Before I even said if I wanted to come? You were just gonna show up alone if I said no?' Brandon looks at you for a second, and it almost looks like he rolled his eyes. 'We both know you are not going to say no to me. So, yes, I did call. Knowing you were going to come with me.'

You want to roll your eyes bac at him, but manage to stop yourself. 'Keep dreaming. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get ready.' You start to make your way to the bathroom, to see how you look and to get changed into something a little more appropriate for a restaurant. Something that is not Brandon's underwear and shirt...'You look great already, baby.' Brandon laughs, looking at you. Almost like he read your thoughts. 'That may be, but I also know I could really use some deodorant and a face wash,' you tell him. 'You have ten minutes, then we have to leave. I'll drive,' he tells you before you close the door. 'Of course you are going to drive. I'm not going to do anything else today,' you state. Hand on the doorknob ready to close whenever Brandon is done talking to you and lets you have some peace in the bathroom. He is finally done bothering you to get away from your computer, now he is stopping you from getting ready in the already limited time you have. 'First you don't want to leave your computer because you have to 'work'. And now you suddenly don't want to do anything anymore?' he shakes his head, but has a smile on his face still.  'Yes, that is how it works. Get used to it.' is all he hears before the door closes behind you. 

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