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chapter three

oh na-bi had always been a curious child. ever since she was just a toddler, barely able to wobble down the corridor of her family home, the girl had developed an infatuation with anything and everything that she was unaware of and —unfortunately for her parents— that included her father's job.

it wasn't that they were against their daughter pursuing a career in psychology in the future, but more so her young age and the dangers that they were aware it could bring her. after all, not every mind was a particularly positive one and for a child to be exposed to that, it would certainly demote their innocence. so, rather than allow their child to learn about the fears that some people have, they gave her a book.

'the butterfly book' as it was dubbed, was as plain as the title allowed it to be: a book containing all of the butterflies accounted for and discovered across the globe. it became a staple of na-bi's childhood, something that she revised whenever she wanted to retain some sort of security in spite of her brother teasing her for it.

and it just so happened that that exact book was in her hands as she lazed around the office behind the front desk of ok psychiatric hospital.

na-bi's foot tapped to a random beat in her head as she swivelled around aimlessly on her chair, not caring for the fact that she, and the overall hospital, were in a moment of crisis.

she truly adored her job, but with the seemingly continuous work hours and the lack of relaxation that she suffered with, the oh woman couldn't help but think that just this once it would be okay to take a break. and so she did exactly that — turning a blind eye, or rather ear, to the conversation that was happening just a few metres away in favour of re-reading her book. at least, until ju-ri also entered the office.

at the addition of another, na-bi shifted her attention to her companion and sent her a brief smile that quickly diminished. it was apparent to anyone of any intellect that nam ju-ri was not having a good day, nor was she in the mood for pleasantries.

biting the inside of her cheek for a moment, once she had dog-eared the corner of her current page and placed it lightly on the desk before her, na-bi pressed her lips together. "what happened then?"

apparently, that was all the encouragement ju-ri required before she diverged to ranting about the earlier events of that day. "kwon ki-do... ran off with ko mun-yeong." the older female's exhaustion was almost tangible in the air as she huffed out breaths of air. "moon gang-tae followed after her, and took my car."

na-bi sent her friend a look of disbelief before struggling to withhold her incredulous laughter. the situation was ridiculous, not that she didn't accept it as the truth, but it was utterly strange upon hearing it for the first time. "you let him take your car? and he didn't even offer you a lift or anything?"

solemnly shaking her head, ju-ri plopped down onto one of the other office chairs residing in the area and copied the oh girl's previous actions of spinning around. "he just drove off."

aware of her friend's long-term crush on her childhood companion, na-bi rolled her eyes. she couldn't help it, really. gang-tae's lack of awareness, with the addition of his on-and-off attitude, made him an aggravatingly work-focused person and, despite it sometimes being sweet, it wasn't always a positive thing for everyone.

"come on, then. i guess i'll just have to drive you there; my shift's nearly over anyways." na-bi rolled her eyes despite the small smile lining her face. "you do know where they've gone, right?"

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