"Jenn! Jenna!" , Alexa and Ella were there. "Damn girl, Grandma's asleep," I whispered out the window. "Get up!" I smiled nodding my head trying to tame my hair which was hard again. My hair wasn't that long, but it's more curly than straight, dark blue with strands everywhere, but I got used to it and eventually gave up and let it be natural. I put smokey eye makeup on my green eyes, put on a black cocktail dress and black heels because the girls were already here. Speaking of ... "Oh, someone's going to lose it tonight", Alexa looked at me, tossing her black hair, "Jenn, you look wow", Ella smiled wickedly. "Um, well, you two are like models, but I need a licence to kill for these heels!" I said pointing to my high heels. We laughed together as we walked towards the car. It was a warm night and Alexa opened the roof and I saw Ella enjoying herself, trying to keep her red curls in place. Alexa drives and sings to herself. I thought about how much I love those two. I came here with my "nana", that's what I called her my whole life, but it was actually Joanna. She raised me after I lost my parents in a car accident, and she was my mother's best friend. I was 15 when we came to Washington from NY and I'm glad we did because I met my girlfriends and even though we're older now, they made my school and life easier. Nana was supposed to protect me, but here, far from the city, she was different, so why, maybe she felt as safe as I did, because all the neighbors here lived like a big family. I don't remember much of my life before, I was too young, and so far I haven't had a friend because Nana taught me at home, but most importantly, I was here at some point in my life, not remembering how. All I know is that I was in a hospital bed, two days later, here. The only thing that reminds me of that was the deep scar on the left side of the neck that certainly wasn't there before I got here. It wasn't big, just deep, and - thank God for the makeup. "Ready for partyyyy!" Alexa shouted as she parked the car in front of the club throwing Ella's keys. "Hell, no",she put them in my hand, "I'll stop tonight, honey!" , I laughed out loud, thinking I would drive home alone again. I didn't drink anyway, so it was ok but it didn't stop me from enjoying it because I loved to dance. It was crowded but cool and in a second we were at the bar. They were already checking on some guy and I saw I was going home alone, but there was nothing new and it came in handy. They wanted me to enjoy it as much as they did themselves, but I want something different. I was dancing to the music and some guy was bothering me so I pushed him away and moved on. "You bitch!", I heard him behind me, and then there was a crash from the floor. I turned around and a couple of the most beautiful blue eyes were looking at me.
He was angry going true his dark-golden hair with his hands while his abs was to visible and... Oh my , he was so handsome i couldnt look. I walk away I needed some air because I have never felt something like that in my chest. "You ok? ", Deep but calming voice ask behind me. He makes me nervous and I was angry at my self. "I can protect my self, ty , so dont waste your time here, I'm not in to you 'sweetie'!"I want him to go away and leave me alone! I felt his hands around me while he put me against the wall whispering MINE. He was close , hes breath was heavy and eyes were getting darker. "What do you want ?" ,I could barely hear my voice. "You" , he sead it like it was nothing.
His eyes was sparkling blue again. I felt I couldn't move from him. "I can make you want me", I could feel his body close and his brath on my skin. Hes fingers was touching my lips and I close my eyes while he was softly kissing my neck. I felt helpless not wanting him to stop. His tounge licking me and i squeeze my legs ,felting my pants starting to get wet , and my heart keep jumping together with my shaking body .His fingers sweeping lower to my belly , he was to close, making me feel his hardnes. I could see he was having fun looking at me so weak but I couldnt help my self . Hes body was so warm and strong ,I didnt want him to stop.He had power over me and even my brain fight my heart I still couldnt move, and by the time he touch my scar with his toungh , my body froze. He stoped , loking at me and those eyes mixed up with horror of that day I was hurt. I saw jaws, black wolf, blue shining eyes mixed with blod and I screamed taking my strainght back to me . "Move away from me" My voice was cold and calm . I could see my pain in his eyes melting with his , while he slowly moved. "Jenna"... "Stop saying my name like you own me, I'm nobodies , no one own me!" His look was filling with anger , his hands tok my neck strong enaugh to calm me down at instant. "I do own you , you belong to me and soon you'll be begging me to rip that wet panties of yours and feel me in side of you, and I'l giv it to you baby , hard, because I can feel you"! , Ton of his gravelly voice almost make me come. He was stepped back with a mocking smile and in a second I was in a car, driving my self of.

Make me , Alpha
FantasíaShe was aware of those man looking at her with lust, while she was running true the park, wich makes her angry and sad at the same time, but she just mahe her phones louder and smiled in her chin. She wanted something real, although it was impossibl...