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A young boy woke up with some man beside him. He felt dizzy standing up and rushing to the shower.

More than the sound of the water splattering all over himself, was the shame that kept calling him dirty. Not even holy water could sanctify his filthy body. The shower can only clean the outside image, but his soul is no good; irredeemable.

He sobbed. For that man sleeping it's just a Tuesday; for the man in the shower, it's another heartbreak story.

His name is Samuel Savonarola; he wishes to be called honorably and adorably in his name.

His life calls him an unhinged sinner: whore, a homosexual, and homewrecker of a future family. Even in his childhood, being given an endearment of a nickname is luxury to him.

He needs to dress up and rush to school though, or a tardy card will be stamped in his name again.


But his mind is crazy good however. He's currently competing with Nica, for the top spot in the honor's list.

His points in religion was enough to keep him up there, and it will stay there should the skeletons in the closet remain sealed to the depth of his heart. A crazy performer in Sciences and Maths, people actually fawn over him both, both visually and mentally.

He was having yet another snoozefest in the religions class, but when Setta couldn't restrain and ask some sarcastic (?) questions, he couldn't help but be amused to this bane of an existence of a classmate.

Speaking of which, he's actually asking those exact same questions at the back of his mind. He raises his eyebrows in amusement when he even saw Setta and Nica hold a conversation, when Setta is a notorious, much avoided creep of a loner and Nica being surrounded by intellects, the likes of him. The chuckles didn't help, he wanted to eavesdrop so bad but he's three tables away!


POV: Sam

"Nica," I tapped her shoulder. "What were you talking about, with that girl?"

When the day was over, I had the opportunity to walk besides Nica. She managed to lead me to a fastfood chain. I was about to pay for two when Nica showed up a prestige card that someone lent her.

"Oh, hi Sam!" she said in her typical sweet voice, "I tried to answer her frustration with that Jeremiah 29:11 verse."

"What did she say?"

"She's..." Nica sighed, "not really convinced with my words."

"Did you ask her why she pissed off Ma'am Diana though?"

"I don't know where she was coming from with that verse, so I haven't dared ask yet. And, by the way..." She suddenly held my hand.

"I think, Sam, you need to join our team with Setta. She will lead."

Wait, what?

"Nica, are you insane? How did she convince you?"

"More like how I convinced her."

"Look, I'm already struggling with things inside and outside the school, I'm not going to let her add a fragment of -"

"Sam, Setta is really a kind person, though."

"Girl, do you want to piss off the whole faculty? Listen, she is about to get demerits with those she said. They wanted her out of the school."

"Who cares? Does God really want to exclude someone from His message?"

"Nica, you are a student before a pastor."

"I am a Christian before I am a student."

"You are a human being before you are of your religion. You need belongingness from friends and peers-"

"Wait 'til you realize I don't give a rat's ass about their opinions, Samuel," she said firmly, taking off her glasses rubbing her eyes before putting them back in their place. "If God would tell me to love Setta, I will love her like a sister would. Who knows, maybe this group could give you an endearment that nobody can break for you. We will all belong here."

I paused and realized she's speaking about and even radiating love in the words she said. It's true. Nica grew up in a fatherless household, but God really loved her much like a Father would. She is really blessed. She sees love everywhere, even in that eccentric freak of a classmate.

I wish I could receive a love like that.

I wish I could love like that.

Anyway, Nica waved goodbye, and I need to go to that other guy who wanted to have a piece of me. Probably and hopefully, he'd give me the love I would want.


For a handful of money and temporary arms to warm the night, Sam laid beside this another guy. Before he snoozed off, Nica's warm smiles played at the back of his mind.

He lowkey chanted.

I wish I could receive a love like that.

I wish I could love like that.

He felt a warm hug and it wasn't even from the other man who slept, turned away from him.

Teary eyed, he slept his wishful thinking away, unaware his prayers were answered right at that moment.


POV: Sam

A cleared mind, a relieved heart, yet nervous steps led me to Setta and Nica.

"Nica, I have decided... to join your team."

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