Baseball Game

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y'all ik nothing about baseball pls dont come at me


The weather was strange and the air was cold. The clouds covered the bright sun, signaling it might rain today. You were actually glad since you hated how hot its been all summer long, and now it was finally raining for once. But you also hated that today was your first day back to high school. Like every normal teenager you hated school and all of the worthless beings in it. Despite your hatred for it you still had to go either way just like everyone else.

You walked quietly to the front door so you wouldn't wake up Bailey, who was sleeping on the floor near the stairs. You put on your rain boots and coat, putting on the hood and grabbed your key from the rack before opening the front door. Just as you predicted, it was raining. A little hard, but you definitely didn't mind. You closed the door behind you and began walking to school with your bag on your shoulder, stepping on each and every puddle you seen like a little kid.

You would've taken the bus, but that would've ruined the whole experience. And plus, the kids on the bus are freaks and weirdos. One time, some kid next to you was literally picking his boogers and eating them. Some kids even deal on the bus, and the driver acts like he doesn't see shit. Besides, walking is a therapeutic, calming and joyful experience. It was good to walk, you know. Lose those few pounds of summer food you ate all month.

As you get closer and closer to the school you see your best friend Finney walking with his little sister Gwendoline. You smile and catch up to them, the rain splashing under your boots. "Finn! Hey." You walk beside him, waving to Gwen.

"Hey, Y/n. How was your summer?" Finn asked.

"It was alright. Hot as hell, but it was good. You?"

Finn just shrugged. "Same here. Do you think the baseball game will be canceled today?"

"Oh shit." You sighed and shut your eyes in annoyance. "I completely forgot about that. Gee, I sure hope not. As much as I love rain hopefully it settles down before then."

"Me too. Did you invite anyone?"

"No. I don't really have anyone to invite." It sucked to say but you didn't have many friends. Just Finn, and you felt that made you loser. But hey, it's better then no friends at all. "Did you?"

"Just my friend Robin, and obviously Gwenny is gonna come."

"You know Finney, Donna will be there too." Gwen teased Finn and started imitating kissing noises. Finn rolled his eyes and shoved her while she was just laughing at his embarrassed face. Finn's had this crush on Donna for awhile, and you don't blame him. She's gorgeous and really nice. Even you could consider her a friend. You frowned as rain began to suddenly slowdown and the sun started peeking out. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

"Shut up." He smiled and you began to approach the school, hearing a bunch of kids chanting for some kid to fight someone. Being the nosy trio you were the three of you ran to the scene and pushed past everyone else.

"You think your so tough huh?" You heard the bigger kid say.

"Let's find out." You seen Finn's friend, Robin. They definitely were about to fight.

"I will pound you," The other one hissed. "Like a nail you scrawny little ******." You gasped, your hand flying to your mouth. He did not just say that. Okay, now Robin has to beat his ass.

"Then do it." Robin challenged. "Unless your scared."

The other one looked shocked, but then tried to swing at Robin immediately. Robin just hit him back as the crowd around began to get loud around you. Robin kicked him in the face as he spun around and crashed into the pole behind him. Being the stupid person he is, tried to swing again but Robin blocked it and punched him in the stomach.

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