Everything Goes Wrong LMAO

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After a long lasting and harsh battle, the Bad Sanses were on the floor, weakened. One by one, the gang were killed by the Star Sanses hands. Cross. Horror. Dust. Killer. All impaled with bones, scars littering the once smooth bone, dead. There sat Nightmare, kneeling over his makeshift family. Hot cyan tears dripped down his face. A sickening warm aura of Negativity surrounded him. He was frozen, he couldn't comprehend that they were dead.

Just a few hours ago they were alive, well and happy. Making chaos and having fun together and wreaking havoc. Now they were gone forever. Irreplaceable. No copy could ever fill the void in his SOUL that the Bad Guys did. Nobody. Killed by the hand of their enemies. And now he was next. In his brother's hand, was the positive apple. It radiated a toxic aura of positivity that weakened him by every breath that filled the silence.

Before he could carry on analysing the situation, the apple was forced into his mouth. The apple burned his tongue with positivity as he was forced to take a bite and swallowed it. Trail of fire never leaving his throat. Bite after bite the apple was shoved into his mouth, bile rising in his throat, eyesockets watering and the weakening feeling he got with every bite he ate.

Drool dribbled down his chin, apple shoved again and again against his teeth. Ink, the one who was force feeding him, was accompanied next to Dream, who was held back by a guilty Swap, crying and thrashing. This wasn't the happy ending with his brother Ink promised, and lastly, Ink, who wore a triumphant smile, not letting go of the golden fruit.

Bite by bite until the positive fruit was finished and consumed. Seeds planted inside his body, hardening into stone along with it's roots and leaves. Nightmare stood up shakily, before his entire body was engulfed with stone. Ink and Swap fled the scene, however Dream fainted of shock. Reported by local doctors, Dream died in hospital due to overwhelming negativity. Swap soon killed himself due to guilt by hanging, Carrot devastated. Ink locked in the Doodle Sphere. Error left from the multiverse by F@T€. Nightmare stood, crouched as a statue watching over everyone, asleep for years to come.

After their saviours gone, the balance gone, the population slowly died out. Leaving empty shells of universes that over time collided into one. One certain day, a Goddess who's name was not known came to this empty multiverse. Upon finding it she felt remorse for the inhabitants, and wanted to build new life that'd end in happiness. Soon, she noticed a universe that didn't get destroyed. She felt joy at seeing the skeletal creature. "He lloo yo unggg o neEe" Her voice echoing across the walls of the Doodle Sphere. "Whh oo aRr e yOo uU?" The creature smiled lightly. Lifting up his hand and readying for a handshake.

"Hello! My name is Ink. Who're you?"

She smiled back at him. Such politeness of a lower creature. "iii aMm -----------"

Centuries later and the Bad Sanses and Star Sanses were only whispers. Ink is still alive but with a different form. He 'became' a human archaeologist, claiming to have found Nightmare and dug him up. However, the real way he found Nightmare was by a friend of his, -----------. He became famous and Nightmare, whom was awake this whole time, frowned internally upon realisation. That if, he did not get enough negativity to break his slumber, he would be in captivity for centuries and centuries to come. As if he hadn't spent eternity here anyway.

He sighed in his head. 'Might as well wait for a global sickness or something...' He mused.

Coronavirus struck.

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