Chapter 2

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The next morning my mom has waffles, bacon, and fruit in a bowl for breakfast.

" So when will I be starting school? " I said delicately

" Maybe next week some time " She replied

" Ok, do I get a tour of the school or anything? " I asked

" Like I said honey maybe next week, but you have to understand I have a lot going on right now, we are about to leave to go to Pier 1 Imports to get some furniture for the living room."

So after a brief conversation I got into the car with my mom and we headed to Pier 1. In the car I ask my mom,

" Do you know when our house was built"

" I don't know honey, why? " She replied

" Nothing, just curious "

To fill the awkward silence, my mom blasts the radio to Iggy Azalea. We then pull into the parking lot at my mom and I walk into the store. I decided to walk by myself because I needed some time to think. Something wasn't right, something went wrong. I'm not really sure what's going on but something definitely isn't right. I walk to the back of the store and there is a little girl there and she just looks at me. I smile at her at meet back up with my mom.

" Did you find everything you wanted " I asked

" Not really, stuff here is just so expensive " She replies

And we walk out of the store without buying anything. We get into the car and pull out of our parking spot. As we pull out of the parking spot, a car was driving through trying to find a parking spot, so as we backed out we hit the small blue sedan right in the side. My mom freaked out and got out of the car as quickly as she could. I just stayed in the car while they exchanged insurance and stuff.

After about 30 mins. I can see that little girl again staring at me through the window. I try to look away, because at this point with everything going on it's kinda freaking me out. So i just get out of the car and see how everything is going on with the guy we just rear - ended. They exchanged everything and everything went fine, we just had a small dent in the back of our car, and he had a silver scratch going the whole length of the side of his car, followed by a small dent in his rear bumper.

My mom enters the car, and this time carefully pulls out of the parking lot and we drive to McDonald's to get something to eat. We have to wait in line in the drive thru, i guess everyone had the same idea as us. Just as we pull up to the place where you order, I see the same little girl, in the grass picking flowers and putting them in her hair. I try to order but my voice got really shaky.

" Uh - I will have an - um cheeseburger and uh fries and a vanilla shake please "

My mom looks at me realizes something is wrong and we pull up to the drive thru window and get our food. As we pull out of the McDonald's drive thru, I tell my mom we need to get home, theres something wrong, and I don't feel good, but as we pull out of the drive thru we almost hit a little girl crossing the street. My mom is shocked that a little girl is crossing the street alone, but then sees her parents. She apologizes and rolls her window back up.

And I'm pretty sure you and I both know who that girl is.

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