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Julie POV*

A lovely voice called out, "Julie, here here." I noticed Priyal, a young child, waving her hand as I turned around. About 7 years old, she was a young girl. We were on a soft grassy area of the ground, I discovered. Blue skies and a very warm sun were present. Other from a single large mango tree, there was nothing.

“Julie, hurry up and catch me”, she urged before sprinting my way while grinning. I then looked at my hands and saw that they were likewise small, just like when I was a young girl.

I try to grab her, shouting "Wait, Priyal," but she is moving too quickly.
“I'll catch you, wait.” As I accelerated my jogging, I shouted.

She made fun of me as I yelled, "No, you can't."  She keeps coming back while waving her hands in my direction. Her smile was really pretty with dimple as now. She was, Is and will most beautiful women for me.

"Priyal, I will catch—" Prior to finishing my sentence, I tripped on a stone and fell hard to the ground. I yelled, "Priya!" as I began to sub. My knee hurts as I watch blood start to flow from the cut. I sobbed, "My leg“
Suddenly, White fog started covering around us. It made difficult to see anything around us.

When Priyal heard my voice, she halted, as I saw. She turned to face me again. But immediately, I heard what I thought was a train horn. I saw a yellow pair of light beside the priyal. It was train and about to hit Priyal before I even realized it.

I yelled "Priyal, Noooo," as I leaped through the gap. I noticed a blue curtain and a white wall. I heard the door click open as the nurse entered.

"Had a dream?," She offered me a pill and a glass of water as she questioned. Her smile was beautiful as her voice.

I drank the water and swallowed the capsule, saying, "Yeah, and the worse one."

While continuing the drip, she remarked, "It's typical to experience nightmares in this position."

She gently pushed me back and drew my blanket up to my chest, saying, "Take some time to rest”, Before moving in the direction of the door, she added, "It's ok, everything is good”.

I inhaled deeply... I swung around to face the window. The night sky was illuminated by a brilliant, slivery moon, which added to its beauty.
I made one more attempt to sleep. I unknowingly nod off...

★Next morning★

I slowly open my eyes. My eyes were puffy and burning like the dickens. I gently rubbed my eyes. Through the window, a warm yellow sun beam was kissing the floor. Birds are singing, and a cool, fresh breeze is sweeping through my window and contacting my skin.

He uses my moniker, which he gave me, to say "Good morning cat." CAT...

He nicknamed me a cat, not because I adore cats, but rather; because, I'm always ready to smack someone in the face when they annoy me. My favorite weapon is the claw.

He was holding a blue package with some fruits within it, I saw. He set that box on the left-hand table. After hearing my stomach's loud cry, He smirked and replied, "Hungry?"

I smiled back at him and said, "Little bit." His face was puffy, and his eyes were somewhat red. (He cried all night long?) I asked myself that.

"Me too," we both chuckled. We halted abruptly, breathing deeply as there was absolute silence.

He said, placing food close to my mouth, "Open your mouth." I grab the meal without thinking after opening my month.

I slurp the meal down slowly. I inquired, "Aren't you eating?," My voice was a bit shaky.

He filled the glass with water and answered, "Of course I will."

He said as he assisted me in drinking water, "I should be powerful enough to defend you at least”, However, I felt a little let down by his final 'at least'.

“Samir, Despite the fact that we are best friends, you are younger than I am”, I give him a gentle grin. ”Then I should defend you, and I will always do so”, I say as I put my hands on him.

“Yes, two days younger”, he chuckled, caressing my head.


Before asking "Can we come in? ", someone knocked on the door. As he entered the room, he apologized for disturbing him. He was donning a headgear with a front-and-center lion print. putting on a shirt with three stars on the top of the shoulders and a nameplate on the right side. I saw that something was tagging in his left side, close to the pocket, and it was a rifle. He was a COP.

Samir and I were perplexed. Before Samir questioned him, "Sir, How can we assist you?" we exchanged looks. He set food on the table.

We are here for you, Miss Julie. Officer looked at me and said. I sit down in the chair next to the bed. He said, gesturing toward Samir, "We need to discuss in private”.

Before exiting the room, Samir remarked, "Ok... Sure, I'll leave." He turned around to check on me to see whether I was okay. I secretly grinned at him.

Actually, I was little nervous but for Priyal, I can swallow every nervousness and fair.

"Shell, let us begin." As he was giving him a dairy and a pen, the officer questioned.

"We are here to learn more about Miss Priyal's attempted suicide”,. As he continued to write something in the diary, He added, "Hope you will cooperate with us”.

I retorted, "Ask me anything, and I'll tell you all I know.", I smiled nervously while playing with my hands fingers.

He said, peering squarely into my eyes, "So let's get started."

Then the game began. He kept asking me questions, and I answered without hesitation. After 30 minutes, the process is finally over.


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