Concert Night

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Samer Pov*

Ting makes my phone vibrate. When I looked at my phone, I saw a message from Priyal.

(~I have a special news for you. Observe this. My purple hearts will give their debut concert in our neighborhood, which is SO EXCITING, my oppas.)

I retorted, "Sounds interesting, but may I ask who are they?" as I sat the coffee down in front of the large glass window on the cafe. I email her with a hand motion.

(~Oh, Samir, be reasonable... If you don't know about my purple hearts, don't tell me. OK, I'll forgive you. They are BTS, a K-pop group that is renowned worldwide) She responded.

("Oh, K-pop!" So please don't tell me you'll be at the concert~). I responded to her. similar to researching them online.

As I discovered, they are a very well-known Korean boy band by the name of BENGTAN SONYEONDAN ( Bengtan Boys). They number seven people (3 reapers and 4 vocalist).

As Priyal responded to my message, my phone vibrated once more. (Well, of course, I will. And yes, I have two tickets, so please attend with me.) I was ready to decline after reading her text suddenly I decided to go with her so that she wouldn't be sad.

(Hmmm... Ok, I will be there. Text me the time and the location.) I responded before placing my phone on table.

One hour later...

(Hello Julie...) How are you doing? Are you free this evening? I texted Julie to ask her a question.

(Sorry guys, I can't join you; I have something to do.) After a moment, she answered. It appears Priyal has already informed her about concert.

(Ah, it's fine. I hope you could come along. I responded with disappointment.

(Wish I could... But don't worry, we'll have fun together next weekend. Enjoy tonight, then~) She responded.

(Okay, good bye. Talk to you soon~). I reply to her text as I read one from my boss. I saw him texting me as I clicked on his ID.

(Today's appointment with the VVVIP client is crucial. Therefore, you must be at the meeting promptly. Avoid being late... Evening 6 at the Hotel Yeti).

I responded, "Sure sir... See ya."

Evening 6, at the Hotel Yeti, I was glancing at my watch as I stood in front of the hotel entrance. I was awaiting the customer.

I noticed a shining black Tesla automobile approaching me. It came to a stop in front of me. I noticed that he was the alleged VVVIP client.

He walked outside the automobile while buttoning his blue coat as he opened the car door. His skin was light white, eyes were chocolate brown, and hair was Cole black and silky. His height was slightly above average or that of others.

I grinned as I moved "Hello sir," she said as she shook his hand in front of him. I'm Samir, Mr. Johnson's personal assistant. Pleasant to meet you.

He greeted me as he entered the meeting room by saying, "Hello... Nice to meet you too."

I greeted him by opening the room's large door and saying, "Welcome, sir”.

Boss greeted Mr. Rathod, remarking, "Hello... Mr. Rathod," and shaking hands with him said, "Long time no see."

He replied, sitting on a chair over the table of delectable dishes and beverages, "Yeah... It have been."
It appears that Mr. Rathod is a bit of an introvert... He wasn't smiling at all, I noted. Yes, he was younger and more attractive than my boss, and, although I hate to admit it, he was also more attractive than I was.

The meeting went on for at least one and a half hours. Finally, it has concluded at 7:30 p.m. While I was waving Mr. Johnson goodbye from the door, he left in his automobile. I recall thinking about Priyal and... when I got the watch.

(Oh my, Priyal... She's going to murder me!) I had the idea of swallowing my saliva.

She continued in her devilish voice, "You idiot... Now you have time to expose your dumb face to me." I noticed that she has two sizable red horns on her head and large front teeth, just like a vampire who is desperately seeking my blood.

“I forgot to text you, Priyal. I'm so sorry”,As I became aware of how much bigger she was becoming than I was, I said... I was bowed down in front of her.

I feel a tap on my shoulder bringing me out of the dream or nightmare, whichever it was... It was awful, honestly...

I turned around and saw my supervisor standing in front of me. As he grinned. "Why don't you go home? Let's go, I'll leave you behind, he said. He appears pleased that the meeting went well.

"Thanks a lot, boss... Can you drop me off on a hillside? Please", I pleaded with him.

“Hilly terrain? Oh, okay, about the concert, sure," he said, flashing a smile.

I'm hoping everything is good. She is secure and having fun at the concert... She is not depressed and angry. My phone is dead, so I can't even text or call her.

After a minute, we get at the show... I quickly raced to hunt for Priyal in the crowd after thanking my boss. People seemed incredibly strange and insane... Everyone was abnormal.

Everyone carried a different board with writing on it. They had hair that was colored in various hues. And everyone had a purple heart board in their hands, and they were all painting something on their faces.

However, I failed to recognize any of them because of the crowded environment.

As the hours passed and I was still unable to locate Priyal, I was ready to depart. I turned around and noticed a female wearing a white shirt and a blue short skirt. She had her hair up in a ponytail style.

She was... walking in the opposite direction from me.

“Priyal, hold on, Priyal”, I yelled at her. However, the loud music prevented it from hearing. Invoking Priyal

I called her name, followed her, and then collided with someone. As I was apologizing to them, I noticed that Priya had disappeared.

I spent the entire night looking for her, but I couldn't even find her at home. She didn't go back home. She wasn't responding to our messages or getting it... Julie was very concerned about her in this situation. She was getting in touch with Priyal's friends.
Unfortunately, we were unable to locate her.


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