XXXV • Daring Lions & Crafty Serpents

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She admired the typical, dull London morning. Snow blanketing the streets of Diagon alley, littered with the small footprints of the enthusiastic children, all of whom couldn't wait for Christmas to finally arrive.

The streets buzzed with light and positive energy, laughter rung through the air and excitement had younger witches, wizards, and of course Fred and George, bouncing off the walls. The squeals and giggles of the older twins brought a quick and easy smile to everyone's faces, despite the fact they were seventeen they had always neglected to acting like it, and took great joy towards behaving like children.

Rory's attitude was bubbly, more so than she had been in a long while, laughter was coming easier to her. Her friends and family saw this as a silent miracle and assumed that her jovial attitude had come along when she stepped foot off the train and back to her unrelated family; but truth be told, Auroras goofy grin was a result of the night before she departed Hogwarts and shockingly in the presence of a Slytherin.

Skipping across the white streets with Hermione and Ginny, hand in hand. The three had overtaken the rest of their friends and family Fred and George right on their tail. Soon the girls came to a sudden stop, skidding a whole meter due to the unplanned break, eyes wide at the sight of the large group of teenagers right in front of them.

The girls had nearly barged straight into a sea of black and green matched with designer coats, shoes and jewels. The Slytherins. All signs of glee quickly erased from both parties faces, glares slowly claiming the faces of the students who were then absent of smiles.

No glare harsher than Ginny's, the red head scowled. "What are you lot doing here?"

"Oh you mean we can't prepare for Christmas ourselves?" Malfoy scoffed. "Rather unfair if you ask me."

Several nods and sounds of agreements were heard. Daphne didn't join in on her friends mocking actions and instead redirected her heated gaze off from the Weasley girl and turned to face Aurora her face softening, no one noticed how the brunette boy from behind Daphne repeated the actions.

"Rory dear, how've you been love?" She grinned childishly towards her friend, Auroras visible discomfort shrugged off into a small smile of her own at the sight of Daphne.

Before Rory could offer a response, Malfoy intervened. "You aren't still talking to this blood traitor are you Daph?" A series of groans became of his mates, clearly all tired of his ruthless candor. "What?" He asked bewildered. "She's a filthy blood traitor."

"You take that back you arrogant prick." A voice behind the girls spoke.

Rory rolled her eyes dramatically at the sight of Harry, Ron and the twins. She knew then there was little chance to escape without a fight by then. The two groups often didn't get along well, with the exception of Aurora and Daphne, weirdly enough it seemed as though Theodore too was growing tired of the constant war.

Whilst the two groups weren't exactly friendly amongst each other the true war raged between Draco, the Weasleys and of course Harry, other than that everyone grew bored rather quickly, the last real fight hadn't occurred since Rory's fourth year.

Harry came to stand face to face with Malfoy, the two standing in a significantly vile stand off. Harry was almost a forehead shorter, but still managed to pull it off without looking stupid, the sight still brought a chuckle from Pansy, she earned a hard glare from Ginny in retaliation.

"And what're you going to to about it, Potter." Malfoy pressed a finger into Harry's shoulder lightly shoving him backwards. Aurora withheld a groan when Fred and George came to stand either side of her friends shoulders, she unfortunately released the sound of distaste when she noticed Theodore and Blaise come to stand at either side of Draco.

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