XXXVIII • Triumphed smiles

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"Yeah, and then she kissed me." His smile was lazy, as though he hadn't been surprised by the small peck of affection. "Right here." The boy raised the tip of his bulky pointer finger to direct the eyes of his fascinated friends to the very spot Rory Flores' lips had made contact to.

Cormac McLaggen wore a triumphant expression one that had ceased to fall since the moment he had processed Rory's actions, it grew especially at the reactions from his pals, they all watched in awe as he boasted, completely and entirely focused on his and Rory's story.

Theodore would've described his expression as infuriating and smug rather than triumphant, it's how he did describe his expression, as he moped in the back of the carriage. He could fathom how he had been so unlucky, the last carriage, his last chance at a peaceful ride back to Hogwarts had been tarnished by the likes of that Bimbo and his band of morons.

If it wasn't for Pansy, who sat next to him, with her arms crossed begrudgingly matched with an angry pout that morphed into a glare when making eye contact with any Hufflepuff, Theo would've dove head first off that carriage in hopes of a swift death.

The two were silent, unlucky that they had missed their groups carriage, but they had to make the choice, learn to tolerate, or better yet tune out, a carriage with a group of douchey idiots, or walk and risk ruining Pansy's new shoes. Theodore had quickly come to regret the decision and wished they had chosen the latter. Especially when the topic of conversation focused on Aurora Flores.

"She wants you man." One of the boys spoke amongst the series of 'oohs' and 'aahs'. Theodore could probably prove with hard evidence, that she didn't.

"Yeah, she's so fit." Another gave his unwanted input. Theodore wasn't blind, but he hated how the words were delivered. It was so vulgar, somewhat objectifying.

"Practically asking for it." Now that one Theodore couldn't tolerate, and of course the disgusting words came directly from Cormac himself. Theodore scowled menacingly, but before he pounced, he looked to his left, Pansy was there. So he remained quiet. She on the other hand did not.

"Hey!" She snapped dragging all eyes towards her faster than ever. If the devils unforgiving wrath came in the form of a human, it would specifically be Pansy Parkinson and her feisty sharp tongue, paired with fists of fury and an inner rage that she rarely had the chance to release. Theodore nearly felt sorry for them.

"Don't you dare go there, you slimy, putrid, little mole rat." Her eyes darkened as she shot her candor. Pansy's words of insults, always so colourful, Theodore grinned menacingly.

"Uhh." One seemed ready to argue back. He looked like he genuinely could, the boy appeared the type to fight back and defend his mates. He made the mistake by starting his sentence with 'uhh', especially in the presence of the Parkinson witch. Pansy was surely going to annihilate him.

"Uhh?" She mocked. "I was hoping for a battle of the wits." The girl spat. "But it would be wrong to attack someone who's totally unarmed."

"Mind your own business, snake." One tried. In any other situation Theodore would have jumped in and fired a string of his own insults, but this was Pansy, he didn't want to spoil her fun.

"It's funny watching you attempt to fit your entire vocabulary into that one sentence." She fired back at the unprepared boy, he closed his mouth and lowered his eyes. Theodore snorted loudly. "You dare attempt to insult Aurora Flores, or any girl ever, I'll haunt your nightmares."

She then turned to Theodore and whispered, "Goodness, I could eat bowl of alphabetic soup and shit out a more intellectual statement than those daft toe-rags could ever formulate." The two grinned at them, she intentionally said it loud enough for all of them to hear. Who was grinning triumphantly now McLaggen?

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