Mission 2:Meteo

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*Meteo. Y/N's POV*

We're currently on the bridge of the Great Fox en route to the asteroid field of Meteo, our objective to intercept the enemy fleet making their way through to Corneria.

Fox:Alright everyone, you know the plan. Venomian forces will be pushing their way through the asteroid field and into Corneria, so we have to stop them in their tracks. The Great Fox will stay back away from the asteroid field and will intercept any Venomians that slip us by, while we push into the asteroid field.

Peppy:Since the route through Meteo ends near Fortuna, that'll be where we stop our attack.

Slippy:Seems like a good plan.

Y/N:Yeah, but what about those transporters? We have to find their locations too, you know?

Fox:And we will Y/N, but right now we have to focus on protecting Corneria from another attack.

Y/N:...Alright Fox.

ROB 64:Approaching Meteo asteroid field. Warning! Asteroids detected deviating from Meteo. They are headed for Corneria.

Star Fox:What!?

Y/N:ROB, open up a visual link to Meteo!

A screen lowers from the ceiling, and we have a visual of Meteo. Some of the asteroids were indeed heading for Corneria, the venomian ships were pushing them away from the field!

Falco:What are they doing!?

Y/N:They're using the asteroids to weaken Corneria for their next attack to be more successful. We can't let a single asteroid though!

ROB 64:Suggestion. The Great Fox will stand-by awaiting for any hostiles to enter cannon range, as well as any asteroids. Additional support from Star Fox team will increase Corneria's chances of survival against asteroids and venomian attack.

Fox:Alright ROB, just take care of the Great Fox.

ROB 64:Affirmative.

Fox:Good, now let's move out team!

We rush out of the bridge and head straight for the hangar. After a few minutes of running, we hop on our Arwings and take off.

Fox:Check your G-Diffuser Systems.

I start running diagnostics, checking everything's in working condition like last time.

Falco:Falco here, i'm fine this time. Shield integrity however is at 75%.

Falco shields:75%

Peppy:This is Peppy, all systems go. Shields are at 100%.

Peppy Shields:100%

Slippy:Slippy here, i'm ok. I was roughed up a bit, but now i'm back at 100% after our battle on Corneria.

Slippy Shields:100%

Diagnostics report shows everything's operating at 100%. Good.

Y/N:This is Y/N, everything's on the green and i'm ready to rock and roll!

Y/N Shields:100%

Fox:Alright everyone, look sharp. We're approaching Meteo.

Fox Shields:100%

Ahead of us are a few asteroids that were approaching rapidly, but the Great Fox quickly takes care of them, shooting down a couple, and the others breaking down into smaller asteroids by crashing into the Great Fox.

Y/N:ROB, stand back and intercept any asteroids and venomian craft. And keep an eye out on the Great Fox's hull integrity, we don't wanna rough her up more than we should.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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