Chapter 1. the boring, new town

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    "God dammit!" you yelled as you stubbed your toe on the unpacked boxes in the floor.
    You moved to Hawkins a few days ago because your mom thought that she'd have better job opportunities. What she didn't realize, is that Hawkins was so. fucking. boring. You absolutely hated it.

    You hated the school, how small the town was, the rude people, the gross food, everything.

    Well I mean, maybe not everything.

   The guys were hot as fuck. So at least that some-what makes up for some the shitty-ness.

    You walked out of the door with toast in your mouth, book bag unzipped, and shoes untied. "God you're so fucking stupid Y/n. Literally your first day and you look like a total wreck and you're unprepared ." Your hair was thrown up and you wore some baggy jeans with a tight fitted, green top.

    Your mom was still sleeping in the couch when you left, she had another hangover. So, you had to skateboard to school. When you finally arrived you shoved the skate board into your bag, which it didn't fit all the way, and walked to your first period. You were in your graduating year so the teacher could care less about introducing you like they normally would in like 7th grade.

    You sat down, everyone staring at you. "well damn do i look that rough?" You thought.

    Looking around you saw majority of the girls all dressed up, more than you'd think for just school. You also saw the cringe couples being all lovey-dovey and sucking each other's faces. Plus a few nerdy looking kids sitting by themselves.


    Finally the school day was over. All you wanted to do was go home and take a nap. But, of course, some dick-heads wanted to try and mess with the new kid, you. A group of people, 3 guys and 2 girls, come up to you as you were walking out of the school, into the parking lot. One of the girls starts teasing you about what you were wearing. It really didn't bother you because you obviously weren't trying to get anyones attention.

    Although, when one of the guys opened his mouth, you were pissed.

❝ A Strange Town with Stranger Things in It ❞ ✧ ೃ A Billy Hargrove and Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now