Chapter Ten

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James POV

I see myself in the glass window and I don't look like someone who just arrived at work. Those puffy eyes and dark circles under my eyes making me feel more sad for myself. All because I saw Net before going to bed, I'm such a dumbass. I've to get my work done, it has been pending for so long due to all these issues. I feel like I will need therapy soon. My reflection on the computer monitor is not helping a bit, unknowingly I pressed the power button so hard to make up for it. Why do feel like I'm missing something today? Oh yeah, it's too silent here today, that's weird. I look around and everyone is busy with their work, some typing while some talking to their clients and some...some...It made me chuckle when I realized that Ray is missing, no wonder it's silent today! That was short lived though because I see him coming out from the conference room, seems like it's a big client he got this time. Only the sensitive and those privileged client who finds consulting in our cubicles too uncomfortable are taken to conference room.
I was going to wait till Ray was done dropping off his client till the door but it shocked me to see his client was Mr. Thompson. It would upset him if he knew I work here and didn't even greet him, especially when I embarrassed myself and him by forgetting him, so I rushed to say my greetings.
As I reach them, I smiled and greeted him, "Hello sir"
Teacher was shocked at first but after realization puts a big smile on his face, "James! What brings you here?!" He shakes me with his hands on my arms.
"I work here. I saw you and thought I should greet you. What brings you here sir?"
"I'm so proud of my students, you guys are doing well in your lives. I just had a small issue, which Mr. Ray" he padded on Ray's shoulder, "handled really well"
Come to think of it, Teacher comes from a rich background and Teaching profession was just a hobby for him, that makes it obvious why he gets the conference room for that "small" issue.
"Is there anything I can help with?" I felt obligated to at least ask
"I would have approached you if I knew you work here but I'm glad I've my student here, you just booked yourself your future client" he laughed and we laughed with him.
"Oh I just wasted your time, please go ahead and it was really nice to see you"
"Okay...I'm happy to see you here! We will be meeting a lot James. If you need anything from me just ask." He padded me this time
"Thank you"
We made our bow as he made his way through the front door.
"How do you know him?" Ray asked while we made our ways towards our tables.
I made myself comfortable as I sat down, "He was my Teacher"
"He was? Your memories are back?" He shoved his face in mine
"No, Not clearly but after I met My teacher, some of my memories came back slowly. I was surprised myself for that."
"That's great!"
"I guess but I still feel there are more important things I need to remember" Things I need to remember? But what? But since I remembered Mr. Thompson I guess everything will comeback to me soon, I'm probably just overthinking things again.
After that Ray told me why teacher was there, and it was surprising to hear that he actually gets a bad vibe from teacher. Apparently teacher likes to get everything done according to his way, typical rich people thing and Ray hated it. I laughed him off by saying, "we are not here to judge our clients base of their lives but their case" and his case was just some legal issue with his customers, it was small just like teacher said.
It must be because of all the works I've piled up that it took whole day just to compile it and now I feel I'm in heaven reaching home. Ray tried bring the whole Net conversation again at work but I'm glad he had things on his hands as well and his work didn't give him time to have his teasing moments today, for which he seemed really disappointed with the day. I just ran from the office as soon as the time was over. And I haven't seen Net on my way here, though hectic but a very peaceful day it seems. I fill myself a cup of coffee and relax. Put on the TV, check the news and just get comfortable on the couch, Layla is always at her friends doing her projects so it's perfect for me.
Ding...dong...the door bell rings as I'm about to take a sip of my coffee, relaxing? It was short lived again. I drag myself till the front door to open it and Net's face poking inside almost scared me to death. Why is he here again? All the talkings are done. I'm not listening to any of his words now...I'm not...
"I want salt, I just ran out off it" Net said as he rushed himself inside. Salt? SALT?! He wants salt. Thank god I didn't say those things out loud, I would have embarrassed myself.
"Where is it? Layla usually keeps it here" Net looks through the shelf, he sure had made this house his, Layla what the hell you have been doing with this guy? Net seems normal today, I didn't expect him to accept the whole situation this fast.
"Let me search for it, I used it this morning" the rattle sound was annoying.
"I kept it somewhere here" I remember keeping it on the kitchen table.
"Oh it's here!"
"Where?" I tilt my head and Net is already near, actually too near, his chest was practically touching my back.
"What are you doing?" I simply said
"What do mean? I'm getting the salt" he snatched the salt from my hand.
"Oh was I too near? Are you shy?"
"What? No! It's just..."
"We are friends James, it happens" what's with that goofy smile on his face, is he mocking me?
"Friends? We are? But you...said.."
He laughed, "James we are not kids, you said it yourself, let's start it fresh. We were friends so we will be friends don't want to be?"
"I didn't say that!" Fastest response I've ever I given in my entire life. This is a great day, I've waited for this day, I want to be his friend again.
"Then...I'll see you later, I gotta make use of this salt now"
"Okay...see you later" this feeling of as if you make a new friend for the first time, I sound excited but I really am. I'm really happy!
"Oh by the way" Net turns around, "I broke up with Kai"
"Oh ok...WHAT?!" He can't be serious, "Net you...I told you.."
"We were never in that type of relationship, and I would be hurting him, if I stayed with him." He sighed, "I'm telling you this as a FRIEND"
With that emphasis on friend, what can I say? I want to scold him right now but it's not like he is going to listen to me. I feel like I came between these two.

Net's POV

He is definitely thinking I broke up with Kai for him, which is actually right, and if people ask me if I had stayed in a relationship with Kai if not for James, I would say, Yes I would have, actually I would date a lot of guys or girls but falling in love with them would be out off question. Kai is special to me but i would have eventually broken up with him because he don't deserve all of this, he deserves to be with someone who will love him back. Bona our expert said that what I did was the right thing, well at first he really got pissed because he was the only left out from all of these but then begging him to help me brought him back. He treated me like his student and over took his privileges today, I'll get him for that one day.
Bona was able to come up with a plan in one minute. He said, "Take advantage of your friendship first, everything starts with friendship" that definitely seems to be working as James seemed really happy to become friends again and it's way better than staying awkward, Bona really is an expert!
"Second, express your love openly, people love that and for you it will be easier" he told me, of course it will be easier for me, I don't have to fake express my love if it's James!
Just wait James, I'm gonna make up for all the time we have lost from being apart.

[A/N Thank you dear readers and those who left comments and voted 🥰 So I heard that we will be getting Bedfriend series first and I hope it will be soon! 😩]

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