Harry Potter has gone to far

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???: excuse me..uhm miss.
Y/N: oh hello there you ok?
???: oh yeah it's just I'm kinda lost...
Y/N: Ohhh right you were looking for potions class! Here I'll give you some advice save yourself and just turn up verrrry late to Potions hear me!
???: oh..Ok?
Y/N: Good!
I saw as the hooded stranger just walked away, they still feel familiar to me and I just can't put my finger on it. I then saw Draco standing alone in the Middle of the crowd, I went upto him because he looked so lonely and as his girlfriend it is my duty to cheer him up!
Y/N: hey Love.
DRACO: why hello Darling.
Y/N: what's wrong you've been looking quite down over here.
DRACO: oh just family problems.
Y/N: oh..I'm sorry to be bothering you I need to go ave a little talk to Harry Potter but see you later.

I ran to go find Harry, I was looking everywhere but couldn't see him until I found him talking to Ron and Hermoine in the corner I wonder what that's about so I walked up closely to see what's happening.
HARRY: Ron, Hermoine so are you with me in this or not?
RON: Harry so you expect us to go along with your plan about Draco being a death eater!?
HARRY: well yes and I need to go now he's going to the bathroom I see him.
HERMOINE: Harry no! Don't lay a finger on him he's harmless!
HARRY: how do you know that? He could have a plan to kill us at any moment, also if you're going to bring up Y/N I honestly don't care about her ok! She's just a idiot who has fallen in love with a monster! She dosent deserve him, he on the other hand deserves to be killed.
I saw as Harry Potter was heading to the boys toilets and I didn't care if the toilets were the boys ones I only cared about Draco.

I saw Draco crying in the bathroom as Harry was walking upto him. Harry said something not so long after that but I couldn't tell what he said. Then I saw Harry point his wand at Draco and my heart dropped I couldn't beg to see Draco hurt I started to run to Harry so I could take his wand off him but I was to late.
HARRY: Sectumsempra!
Y/N: no!
But before I knew it, it hit Draco and sliced him right in half. I ran to Draco in fear then saw Professor Snape come by and save him.
Y/N: Draco! Are you alright!?
DRACO: I'm fine..my love.
Y/N: fine! FINE! Draco you literally just got sliced in half and you're saying you're fine!
PROFESSOR SNAPE: I will now take Draco to The hospital wing, uhm you can come if you want to Miss Phisill.
Y/N: no thank you Severus. I need to have a quick "chat" to someone.
I said while looking at Harry dead in the eyes. Then I saw Severus pick up Draco and leave to go to the hospital wing.

AUTHORS NOTE: btw I know that this happened after Dumbledore got killed but I wanted to spice things up and maybe put this first instead of Dumbledore getting killed first ok bye!

HARRY: look Y/N..I'm sorry.
Y/N: SORRY!, SORRY! DRACO COULD'VE DIED! Oh and I heard about your little conversation with your little friends, so you wouldn't care if I was sad huh you don't care about me huh. You're sick Harry, Sick! You know what would be really really bad.
HARRY: What?
Y/N: if one of your friends died or even better..you!
HARRY: please don't turn out like your uncle..
Y/N: oh for god sakes he's not my uncle! He's my grandfather ok! Happy now that you know the "secret" but now that you know I'll have to kill you~
DUMBLEDORE: hello you two but apparently you guys are supposed to be in class now..
Y/N: fine! Oh and remember Harry. I'm watching you like a hawk!

I saw her walking off really madly. I could tell she was trying not to cry cause her arms and neck looked red as hell and she looked like she was shivering. I felt sorry
DUMBLEDORE: she told you didn't she..
HARRY: you mean you knew!?
DUMBLEDORE: yes Harry, yes I knew. her father went on a buisness trip a while ago while she was left with good old Tom. Her Mother on the other hand went to go see the Malfoy's at the Malfoy manor. Over time Y/N became more and more evil. She then wanted to go to Hogwarts in search of you Harry, yes you.
HARRY: but..why me?
DUMBLEDORE: well she can talk to snakes just like her grandfather and you but she didn't want to use Tom to trick and humiliate she wanted to use well you.
I looked down at the ground thinking of some plan or somehow I could get her to be on my side instead of theirs but I got nothing, nothing at all the only plan left is if..no that's to risky.
HARRY: I have a plan but it's risky..and I dont want to use it but if it comes down to this well then I'll have to..
DUMBLEDORE: and the "plan" is?
HARRY: we kill Y/N.
DUMBLEDORE: no..no. I refuse that to be a solution there must be something else Harry. Please..
HARRY: well..the only way is for me to breakup with..Ginny.
HARRY: only if we can't find her another lover to date well then I'll have to date her! But I'd rather another lover who actually loves her and not just using her to turn her good again.
DUMBLEDORE: I know just the person! There's a new kid coming to this school and he would be just perfect for Y/N!
HARRY: yes! Perfect we'll do that!
I shook hands with Dumbledore and we were now on a deal.

I was listening into their conversation behind the wall upset and hurt that they think that I'm evil. I was just chat that Harry hurt Draco I'm not evil at all. You think I'd fall for that little game Potter, eh? Well two can play at that game. Why don't I send you back to London so you can live under the staircase that would be a fun ride wont it but first I need to get my sister who looks exactly like me,  Camile.

CAMILE: Potter~ I need your help!
Harry then walked upto me, I then winked at Draco who was on the other side because he's apart of my lovely plan to get Potter confused and to also take him back to London where he came from.
CAMILE: can you please pull my zip up it's kinda stuck.
HARRY: uhm..ok?
I then turned around and hugged Harry.
CAMILE: oh me oh my~ well aren't you a cutie. Would you mind taking me out on a date I mean you know I wouldn't mind if you just even take me out if you get what I mean.
HARRY: oh I uh so are you look different what looks different about you oh that's right you're wearing more makeup and you changed your hair, you look beautiful.
CAMILE: changing the subject are we now, Potter.
HARRY: I mean yes I would love to take you out on a date!

RON: what the hell!
GINNY: you're cheating on me! How could you!
RON: I thought I could trust you with my sister now you're cheating on her with bitchy Phisill, she's a spoiled brat.
This weirdo dude's words hit me so hard I felt like I could hit him so hard no way he would talk shit about MY SISTER!
CAMILE: you're a bitch! Random guy..I don't know.
HARRY: wait a minute.. You're not..Y/N aren't you! Where the hell is Y/N what have you done with her!
He pointed his wand at me all I could do was put my hands up.
CAMILE: dude chill and no I'm not Y/N I'm her twin sister Y/N was behind Draco the whole time because we all knew what you were planning. By the way Bestie omg you look so pretty! Ginny dont forget to do that snap thing ok. Love ya.
GINNY: love you too bestie but uh since my time here is up uhm goodbye Harry..Love you! Ron come NOW!
HARRY: wait what's going on?
CAMILE: yup, yo Dumbledork come out now he didn't pass.
I saw as Dumbledork came out and th e suprised look on this Harry Potter guys face is priceless so I took a photo of him and went it to insta on the 2022 phone.
HARRY: Dumbledore?
DUMBLEDORE: oh Harry..I didn't think you'd actually do it.  That is very very low for even you Harry what has gotten into you like honestly.

CAMILE: so Y/N you going home or not?
Y/N: obviously. How's Allon going at home?
CAMILE: don't even get me started. It's surprising he might be able to go to Hogwarts next year like he's almost 11!
Y/N: and I'm finishing Hogwarts this year! OK so I'll see you tomorrow!
CAMILE: yep baii!

AUTHORS NOTE: so I'm going to have to end this chapter here. Since this is my first story I will only have 2 more chapters and then done I finished this story. Although just to let you guys know I'm not going to do anymore Harry Potter stories just this once and I'm not going to do anymore Y/N story's sorry about that but as a writer now I just wanted to start out small and grow larger and I'm not going to do that if I don't like writing Harry Potter stories. Don't get me wrong I loove Harry Potter like love it! But I don't love writing them. Anyways guys stay tuned for the next last chapters of the book they're a bit intense and rocky so look out for that, Bye and see you next time.

Draco Malfoy X Y/n Phisill (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now