Can NEVER Let you Go

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After all the convos we had, we became really close with each other. I even started to talk to her bestfriend Chanel about her all the time without fail, just afraid she might get annoyed with me because of that. HAHAHAH, hope she's not. And after my first try, which didn't go too well, was pretty upset and afraid i might not get her at all (she knows what i'm talking about) One day, she said "What if i accepted u" i was like "HOLY SHITTTT, YASSSS". HAHAHAHA was my happiest day. My mom could tell how happy i am on that day as compared to any other normal days. That day really meant alot to me and it's on the 11th of April. We got together and trust me i wanted the whole world to know because i am just to happy to be sad. We began sending "I luv u"s to each other without fail. Our convos will never stop being sweet and thats why i can never stop chatting with her. We began walking to school together, hangin out together along with some friends and we even have our own "Family" which are just among friends. Chill chill lahhhhh HAHAHAHA.

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